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Las Vegas Japanese Sword Show Jan 20 - 21, 2023

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I will attend. Bringing a few nice swords by makers such as Ono Yoshimitsu, Kurihara Akihide, Hizen Tadayoshi along with various tosogu.


Looking forward to seeing all the guns as well as speaking with old friends and making new ones.

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the show is just a week or so away.  if you are on the fence give it a second thought. Should be interesting, lots of educational events on saturday (see previous post).  I have been getting a lot of inquires and a lot of first time show attendees are coming and bringing there stuff to get looked at.



Mark Jones


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That would have been for SHOT show, not the Antique Arms show. Not a big deal, it was a legal deact. SHOT is mindblowing. Been twice, it's industry only. Miles and miles of walking, with all the latest arms technology. I wish work had sent me this year. I need to go next year.

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I am all packed up, ready to fly-out tomorrow morning. I will be bringing 5 katana, 6 wakizashi, 3 tanto, and 4 teppo (matchlocks). I will be sharing a table with Roger Robertshaw, Hizen expert. He requested a wall table and is bringing a full suit of armor. i will have a small sign with the NMB logo and my screen name "DTM72". Stop by and say hello, buy my junk so I can buy other junk.



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3 hours ago, Brian said:

Any dealers who want to maybe put a paper on their table advertising the forum with the link, it would be appreciated. I am sure there will be a nice gathering of NMB guys there. Next year, I plan on joining y'all.

I've already got a sign made to put on the table. Got ya covered Brian!

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Guys, PLEASE update us on your opinions of the show. Not only the Japanese sword part which I think will be an amazing success, but also the gun show?
I'd love to hear people's impression, and feel free to upload pics of the show and the sword side of things. I can't wait to hear if we manage to grab a portion of the gun visitors to the Nihonto side of things. Dealers, your impressions?

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4 hours ago, Seth said:

I’ll be the tall redhead with the 4’11” wife she will swear she is 5’. 

As did my Japanese wife.

Before I knew  any Japanese words we were walking by a few cab drivers. They made some kind of remark and she lit into them and chewed butt for at least four or five minutes. She told me afterwards they were having a joke saying I wonder how they do it? I was 6'3" then.


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Thanks for the awesome pics Dan! Really great to see. Nice open spaces, plenty of swords. Man, if you can't find something to buy there, then you really aren't trying.
Keep them coming...looks amazing. I have to do this next year.

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We just left this afternoon. We spent the last 12 days out in Vegas. We went to the gunshow at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Army Navy Military Expo, Shot Show 2023, and the Japanses Sword Show.


It was a really awesome experiance to be able to meet so many fellow Japanese sword collectors and the sellers at the show. I really enjoyed getting to see so many great items on dispaly. Allthough I didn't personaly handle too many items I was blown away just looking at them and having the vendors tell me a little histiory on there pieces.  I spent about 10-15min at each table just doing a visible inspection of all the goodies on my first walkthrough of the show. The second time walking the tables I spent a bit more time talking with vendors which was really neat. I think in total I spent about 4 hours at the show. I revisited a few tables mutiple times. one of the tables has a selection of smaller tantos that Iabsoultly loved. I think they didnt have live blades just wooden one's but i didnt handle them sadly.

it was really neat to see a varry in price ranges. the lowest i believe i saw was $700 for a wakizashi and like 68,000 for a katanna. being able to see diffrent levels of polish was really neat and helped me get an idea where my swords sit which is cool. I think i learned quite a bit in the short time that I was there. I came with two others who came for the firearms postion which they zoomed through once they were done i had to leave sadly. I think i could have spent all day there I was truly blown away. I believe at one point when i first walked in a gentleman asked if i was enjoying the show and i could hardly put into words how i felt and how amazing it was to be able to see such interesting pieces. I have never seen this ammount of swords or people who were educated aboput them at anyother show ive ever been too. It was an experiance to be honest.


I purchesed a book from a gentlemen that was called "The art of the Eastern Sword" if I remeber correctly. It's a rather large hardcover book and I got to speak with the gentleman who wrote if for a bit which was nice. I also picked up a couple new padded travle bags. I got one for my Wak and one for my tanto. They were nice and thick which is an upgrade over the silk bags I had.  I also picked up some sword pillows and sword viewing microfibers that were red. I picked up a really pretty white and blue cord wrap for my tanto that will be accent it nicly. I also got two beautiful Japanese silk flags from ww2 a "meatball" and a rising sun flag. 


I really enjoyed being able to show my swords to some of the vendors that were interested in examining them. Mutiple vendors gave me some free advice and tips about my swords and information i had not revieved on this fourms or in doing my own research. i thought it was a bit strange no one outside the vendors had sword with them I figured I'd be able to meet up with some people and share our swords with each other. I had mutiple offers to do trades for my swords but I was on the hunt for a ww2 sword which most of them didnt have or seemed anoyed that was what I was after.


On of the things I wanted to buy was some of the movies for sale. Some of them were $750 a set which was neat to see, sadly living in a 4k world I find it hard to make that purchess. Allthough it would be neat to sit down and get lost in a few movies. If anyone know that guy is he on the form? maybe he has a list of movies because i regret not buying now that i think about it.


I really wish we didnt have to try to beat the storm we will meet with this evening as we pass over the mountains. but you have to be caustious when you have 12 thousand pound of ammunation in your trailer on an overpass with 6% declines and its a snowy/icy cluster**** better safe then sorry.


Anyways to everyone I was able to meet it was pleasure. I look forward to going next year for sure.



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