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Hi All, Sometimes it seems that certain artists or their employees sign in ways that are difficult to decipher. A year or so ago I posted this signature in hopes it could be translated to romanji. It was unsuccessful. I have tried to make sense of it, and.... 1)Sei, Shi (kiyo) 2)Kei (aze) (3753 in Nelson, written slightly different) 3)Kon (ne) 4) ? The #1 and #3 kanji are decisive. #2 kanji is my only candidate. #4 kanji is absolutely incomprehensible. I am looking for insight. Thank you. John



Hi Markus, I was thinking Konmyo. Somebody following Konkan style. Even though Motoaki with the name Seikei is not recorded, I think your reading is more correct and will label it so. Thank you for the help. John


Yes, I was also not able to find a reference to any of the combinations respectively readings.

Just for explaining my approach to this name, I felt it not that common to use on-yomi for

both names. On-yomi (Seikei) for the given name and kun-yomi (Motoaki) for the family name

sounded mostly plausible to me.

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