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Hi guys,

I have just joined the forum and after following some of your discussions I was fascinated by how vast the world of nippons is and how many professional members of the sector actively participate in the discussions.


I have recently become part of the fascinating and historic world of nippon-to and unfortunately I still have no experience to express myself, evaluate and judge the blades of Japanese nippon-to swords.

At the moment I attend dojo for art Hontai Yoshin-ryu Ju-jutsu

I wanted to introduce you to this katana, which should have been mounted for the Satsuma Rebellion period.

The blade is not in good condition and I would like to receive your valuable judgment, as I would be interested in his purchase.

If necessary I send other photos

Thank you very much.

7.compressed.pdf 6.compressed.pdf 5.compressed.pdf 3.compressed.pdf 2.compressed.pdf 1.compressed.pdf 4.pdf




welcome to the NMB!


The MEI of your blade looks like NOSHU SEKI YUKIHIDE, but because of the photo angle, I am not completely sure. 

The blade seems to be an authentic NIHON TO; obviously traditionally made. The KOSHIRAE might have some SATSUMA traits to it (TSUKA ITO), but the NAMAKO TSUBA looks good to me.

Please do not attempt to improve the condition of the blade in case you buy it - an amateur can easily damage it!



thank you for your answer and clarification, I attach another photo of the nakago with MEI clearer.
Sure the blade will have to be polita, I do not know if in this forum I can say, and excuse me if I’m wrong, The seller requires 2700 $, do you think is correct price?



As I understand it there are two types of sword that go under the name of "Satsuma". Swords made in the Satsuma Han with a distinctive koshirae, and swords that have been refurbished for the armoury that tend to have a very cheap mount, often of recycled pieces.

 This looks like one of the latter, and they are usually poor condition blades, with perhaps one more fight but no more polishes in them.



Nōshū Seki-jū Kanetomo


There are a lot of smiths who used the name Kanetomo. I can't find one who matches this signature and this style and this location exactly, but I assume a shintō (post-1600) smith. 

Looks interesting. If the blade is healthy (isn't already polished down too much) and there are no flaws in it, I would say its a fair price.  



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