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Well, gee. Stephen, another one of these!

By that I mean, WOW.

Kagefusa was a initial signature of Hokke Saburo Nobufusa. It looks like it was associated with Bizen style work, which is to say it was before Hokke-sama caught Yamato-den. 

So tell us why you are looking at a toroku-sho for this blade.



Well, gee, Stephen. At the posted price this seems very interesting, but I assume we have not seen the "last bid."

Hokke-sama was a really nice guy. I recall the first time time visited him (I wore my best pants and had him shower me with sparks, but that is another story. At that time there were NO pants my size available in Japan.

But, to continue,....In his forge I saw a couple of clealry old blades that were somehow "in process." I didn't understand - - -  and it seemed suspicious - - - so I asked and he said - directly and with no hedging , that he retempered Bizen blades. The bit of research you have led us to, Stephen, says that he started his career working in the Bizen style and followed it until he changed hisname and went Yamato.

So, tell, Stephen. What do you think this sword will sell for....?


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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