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Unsigned, mediocre quality pictures, and tough to determine authenticity for me, any thoughts? 6 3/4” long and is alleged to be Edo period. Am hoping it isn’t modern factory made before I bid on it. Thank you. 




Agreed Jean, such a small piece of metal it’s tough to tell, I struggle much more with these than with katana/wakizashi blades and larger and more detailed tangs, etc. Tough to confirm it is period but if anyone sees any red flags that indicate it isn’t, please weigh in. Thank you. 


Thank you Jean L. I frequent that site and it is a good source of comparisons, the kogatana I posted is about 10% of the cost in an auction currently as the kogatanas (even ones without the kozuka) on that site, and no overseas shipping, so I thought maybe I’d take a shot at it and try to find a kozuka that matches Edo koshirae of a wakizashi I have already. If your gut is that this kogatana is modern, I’d rather skip it in favor of an older piece though. Nothing against modern production (if not machine made), am just trying to match and pair time periods. So when you mention “plated” that’s referring to like a zinc plating or something that is modern? Thank you very much for your time and help. 


Thank you for your reply and patience but most examples (including on the site you provided) of these don’t seem to have a hamon, no? I’m maybe wrong in assuming these have a lower standard of production than katanas for example. My understanding is that they were basically produced as and treated like semi-replaceable utility knives. 

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