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Here are my 4 Tsuba's.


The 2 on top were on 2 (wich I believe) are modern swords that I bought for Iaido on a local auction.

I have no idea if they  are real or not, look pretty old to me.

Are the casted?


The 2 on the bottem are mounted on my Katana and Wakizashi that should be early EDO.


Are these just common Tsuba's or is there maybe a special Tsuba between them?







One looks like a IAIDO TSUBA (lower right). The plain one with the golden KIRI MON looks nice to me.

Plural of TSUBA is TSUBA: Japanese nouns don't have a plural form.  

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Kiri mon is the prize in this set. Top two look OK to me as genuine but not top class. The 'rabbit' number four has me more worried, heavy tagane-ato in the nakago but not much movement of metal? A few 'soft' spots in the design that tend to indicate casting. [The bright spots around the seppa-dai on the first two - is that rubbing of the seppa, or a habaki sitting directly on the tsuba? Whatever, the two metals don't like each other.]

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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