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These would tickle my interest, but a few swing with a  normal kendo stick usually cures my interest. 


If I was a sword user. I would probably would ask my sensei for advice and go to a store for tryout. If a lot of money and skill and would probably ask a smith. Forum is probably not good place except for general advice.


So my advice, find a sensei. Buy a good solid training shinken? sword. Train, train and strive to be better for every time. And so on...




Can't we all just agree to leave antiques and gendaito works by specific masters alone? - Not to be abused by anyone, master, trained student or just plain ignorami? What else he or anyone chooses to do with his money is his or her burden.

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Since I cannot edit.


I have also "long time" ago thought of how cool it would be like a samurai, swinging a real sword around. But boys fantasy taken away, reality sets in. Those warriors having these swords trained long and hard and even then I dont think they were swinging them around. 


If I would want to go the route, with out a teacher. I would start with a wodden stick, then possible a kendo sword. Then do that for 10 years or so, then feeling that I have progressed on the way of the leaf. I would probably get a IAITO https://tozandoshop.com/collections/hyojun-standard-weight-iaito. Then, training with that for a couple of more years. If then not cured of foolish thoughts and thinking "Hmmm maybe zombies are coming someday" then a sharp iron sword is the way to go.


If only want to whack at something in the yard, then probably it is easier to get an steel bar at the local store is a good idea.


But I totally understand the cool thoughts and dreams, one could have to be a samurai.




Just look at that hamon.... Iaito is the way to go.     Dont destroy antiques, send them to me instead for safe keeping!





15 minutes ago, BjornLundin said:



If I would want to go the route, with out a teacher. I would start with a wodden stick, then possible a kendo sword. Then do that for 10 years or so, then feeling that I have progressed on the way of the leaf. I would probably get a IAITO https://tozandoshop.com/collections/hyojun-standard-weight-iaito. Then, training with that for a couple of more years. If then not cured of foolish thoughts and thinking "Hmmm maybe zombies are coming someday" then a sharp iron sword is the way to go.





and that's exactly why people like you don't learn anything, they don't move. Exercise with a stick, you will be fit in old age  :lipssealed: , or wait for zombie 

19 minutes ago, Fuuten said:

Can't we all just agree to leave antiques and gendaito works by specific masters alone? - Not to be abused by anyone, master, trained student or just plain ignorami? What else he or anyone chooses to do with his money is his or her burden.


2 Pages with arguments when what it comes down to is either plain stupidity or taking advice that is given to them.



At-least Green dragon managed to create some amusement out of his stupidity.


The op made a thread a while ago proposing doing the same thing. This is just a part 2.


I beleive it is trolling in a sense. As the first thread should of really given him the gist that people on here are not impressed with his proposal. 

However he has made a second thread with the same question, asking our opinions. 


Now. Why would you go onto a nihonto forum and ask this question  when 99 percent of people here have never cutt or practiced tameishigiri with a antique blade ? 

What reccomendation would he get. 


This is a question that should be asked on sbg forums. And sbg would most likely reccomend him a hanwei or bugei. 


My own sensei trained iaido with a modern nihonto, but the point was it wasn't an expensive (5k plus ) antique. It was a modern nihonto for iai. 


Now there's nothing wrong with that, if your a very rich novice who wants to do backyard cutting without training. 

But when we're talking about 100 years plus works of art......you get it. 


But there are plenty of high quality blades made from hanwei and bugei that will give you that satisfaction. 


I myself was once a backyard cutter with cheap Chinese replicas. As soon as I purchased my first expensive sword around 800 dollars. I cutt once, and couldn't bear to see it damaged. So I stopped.

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4 minutes ago, Nihontocollector752 said:

That is a very broad assumption that 99% of the members here are not practical users of iaito or study kenjutsu....


Sorry, I think you have misread my post. I said  cutting and practicing tameishigiri with an antique sword. Not kata.




Let’s get back on track.


I did close down my sale for the Juyo Token Mumei Nakajimarai Rai katana since I was just going to cut with my European swords and was going to keep this sword for appreciation only. Sure I’d give it a swing to sate that urge though no more than that.


Luckily Atsuo Imazu-San interjected serendipitously, who from Giheiya Japanese Swords, is meeting Masahiro Ohira-San from Shoubudou Ltd. where the sword is held to hold a meeting to discuss my proposal at auction tomorrow.


I am hoping to get this sword in place of the Juyo with a custom koshirae built and monetary compensation to cover the remaining cost of the armor and this fuchigashiri for the Hesei blade.




I’d cover all my bases! And the Juyo sword would most likely go to someone who would appreciate it as it is meant to be appreciated.


Plus that fuchigashira would match this tsuba I found and fit in perfectly with the Gyorin Kozane (Fish scale, Dragon theme).




Wish me luck! Hopefully it all comes together!


Best regards,


Barrett Hiebert


Good luck on your sale Sir someone will get a very special piece it is very competitive market especially when something comes up and then theirs 400 views on it when you're trying to acquire because of personal reasons as a collector may I suggest other hobbies such as Vintage car racing in our circles there are Cobra's, Ferrari Etc. And we use them and it's a great community of people and the worry of shipping and getting taken advantage of is lower although I do have to give Kudos to Sarutasan he is a good man and others here.




I have not yet bought the Sasayama Tokuoki Fuchugashira though I was allowed to put a deposit on it and do layaway. I just wanted it because it is better than this one I originally bought, although I like it too.


Due to having Atsuo Imazu get back to me about still wanting to trade my Juyo Token Mumei Nakajimarai Rai katana for his Heisei Sword with 950,000 yen and a custom koshirae being built, I couldn’t pass it up. The sword is Heisei and would be okay for cutting.  He is going to meet Ohira-San tomorrow at auction to discuss. Of course I would like to make a little more and have the rest of the armour payment covered as I have already put 6 grand Canadian down on the Gyorin Kozane armor.


Considering I paid 2.6 M yen for after consignor cut it is 2.3 m yen I don’t think asking for what I want covered is too much of a stretch.


Atsuo Imazu-San was at least willing to go look at it while Tsuruta-San was not. So I am happy. If a fair bargain can’t be struck I’ll just keep the sword and have the koshirae finished being built and have it at home.


As for the fuchigashira I have bought this one…and wanted plain fittings to put on the sword as would of been typical for actual swords used in war.


Though the exponentially more expensive one matches the tsuba better. Just wanting a dragon theme.


So again I am waiting to see what bargain can be struck.


Both fuchigashira are cool to me within their price range.


This is the link for the dragon tsuba…




The hira-zukuri blade compliments the dragon theme too.


Best regards,


Barrett Hiebert







Heisei blades are okay to cut with. That previous katana sold so I’m offering up my Juyo Token for this blade if I can get appropriately fairly compensated monetarily. The consignor there is getting a better blade by far so I think it shall go favourably.



People can say what they will. I am relinquishing my Juyo if able to those who will appreciate it as it is meant to. I have my needs met with this blade.


I am listening to the forum. My actions negate the insinuation and childish antics shown by those in this thread.


And what people think about me, well not my concern. I have acted honourably.


Best regards,


Barrett Hiebert

2 hours ago, Barrett Hiebert said:



Heisei blades are okay to cut with. That previous katana sold so I’m offering up my Juyo Token for this blade if I can get appropriately fairly compensated monetarily. The consignor there is getting a better blade by far so I think it shall go favourably.



People can say what they will. I am relinquishing my Juyo if able to those who will appreciate it as it is meant to. I have my needs met with this blade.


I am listening to the forum. My actions negate the insinuation and childish antics shown by those in this thread.


And what people think about me, well not my concern. I have acted honourably.


Best regards,


Barrett Hiebert


The part about listening. How I wish that was true. 


I don't think you should be Calling us childish , when your the one planning on playing samurai. You might aswell buy the whole armour and go the full extent. 





Let me clarify because obviously you misunderstood. This thread went tangential with childish replies is what I was meaning. I do plan on getting the upgraded armour for training. I already could get the Iyo Kozane armour though if the funds become available sure I'll get the Gyozin Kozane armour.


You can think whatever you want. Frankly I don't give a dang though don't misconstrue what I say.


If I had the available JSA amenities to go to of course I'd go. Though real life and work took precedence.


Been at the European School since I was 18, before I went to war, where at 19 I was interdicting suicide motorcyclists. First of my company.


I most certainly, if able to do that then, at such a young ripe age can practice safely with a Heisei katana, no different than a sharp European war sword. Of which I already have done safely. Still fully intact. No one else has been hurt. Nor myself.


Now, generally you people need to give your heads a reality check.


Playing Samurai, hah, I was a modern one at 19. Metaphorically of course.


If I can handle my weapon safely at that age and put down a Taliban Suicide motorcyclist at danger close, I  can certainly have enough respect for any bladed weapon. It's called common sense. But then I forget, oh yeah, a bunch of tight wads reside here who need to be given perspective.


Grow up. I am not some childish boy who just woke up today. My innocence was lost when the window exploded from the suicide car bomber to the right side of my face. Especially even more so when after being patched up at the medics the Correctional Services Officer I was doing Close Protection for told me that they thought I had died, after doing immediate pulse checks and were registering nothing.


So please take a step back and check yourself.


I don't mean any offense. But really you guys absolutely flabbergast me.




If I can carry a 140 pd  weight vest for training, train safely with my own gym at home without injury, I most certainly can cut with any blade safely whether it be European or Japanese.



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I appreciate what you have been able to accomplish in life with your military service and European sword training, but I did want to give you a word of caution. Being able to cut with a European blade does not mean you will be able to cut safely with a katana. There are eleven things you have to do correctly in order to cut with a katana. One of those is using the proper grip. The two-handed grip needed does not feel natural at first and takes lots of practice to master. If you try to cut without the proper grip, you run the real risk of accidently putting the tip of your katana into the floor when you stop your swing after cutting. Obviously, that's where the risk of damaging your katana comes in. Having a proper teacher is especially essential when it comes to target cutting. I'm not trying to lecture, just to give you a heads-up on a potential danger. :)




If I learnt how to properly hold a bokken my first kenjutsu class I most certainly can hold a sharp katana.


Cultural differences within your training methodologies is really what it comes down to, and the expectations thereof for progression.


I know you are concerned about my safety, though come on, being told incessantly, oh you need to have all these points down and so long of a training time.


It's just redundant.


Please. Bio-mechanics don't change between weaponry.


It's just in the Kenjutsu schools they have a certain program, way of doing things which is sacrosanct. And you know they sure as heck love to push those points and harp on it on to anyone who interjects. And of course they think you are incapable if you don't follow their methodology verbatim.


I went to the only available kenjutsu class before joining the reserves at 17, to which I was expedited to reserve officer when I transferred to the regular force at 19.


You guys aren't speaking to the 17 year old who joined. I'm 32.


I can hold a katana properly. I was shown already.


Regardless I know you are just trying to be helpful.


So thanks.




And another thread lock.
Barrett, please show me your European sword that requires the entire sword to be polished down and thinned due to ONE decent scratch. Show me one with a hada only brought out with a $2500 polish, that is ruined by ONE area of scuffing. ONE European sword considered art and not a weapon for the past 70+ years?
I don't really care about your safety. That's your problem. I don't think you understand fully that it takes one cut to require a huge amount of restoration to a Japanese sword.
I don't need an answer to the above. How about we end it here and don't bring the subject up again?

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