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I apologize for my first post having a commercial topic.  While I admire and appreciate Japanese bladed weaopons, I do not collect them.


My passion is fighting knives, mostly Bowies, and tactical folders. In 1986 I made an exception. In a pile of swords on a table at a gun show, a blade called to me. After examination I knew enough that it was an old katana in WWII "Gunto" fittings. It was in good shape and I bought it.


I sent it for Shinsa in Chicago in 2013 where it was examined by Japanese experts.  It was declared  as “Fail due to retemper” since they judged that it had been retemperd by an unknown smith after its original making.  The good news is that they considered it good enough to grade it a 73 out of 100 although the score was not documented. They judged that it was made by Yasuyuki during the Enpo era (1673 - 1681).

I have been caretaking this blade for 35 years. I am 74 years old and it's time to pass it to someone else for caretaking. My children and grandchildren do not have the level of passion for old blades to assure the regular inspection, cleaning, and oiling that is required to preserve it.


If it was a knife, I'd know where to sell it, however I have no idea where to sell an antique katana


Can anyone here offer any suggestions? I'd rather not spend time prowling gun shows or traveling to sword shows.  I see there are online buyer's sites but I don't know how to determine which ones are trustworthy.


Any advice you can provide would be appreciated.

Sword Shinsa.jpeg


If you have a price in mind, you can try to sell it in the ‘for sale’ section of this site.  Good pictures are a must.  If you are asking ‘what price?’, I will have to let others answer that.  

Also, if you do sell it and are unsure of the best way to package it for mailing, PLEASE ask here.  Blades which are not packaged properly can be damaged in transit, or worse, injure someone.  


I wonder what the circumstances around it being judged as a retemper were. Even having a mizukage is not a sure-fire indication of being a retemper. Some blades were intentionally made with them. I suppose the curvature would be telling! Excited to see pictures.


Hi Malcom.


I agree with Mark and try the for sale section. I'd be interested in seeing photos for sure even if you don't sell it here.


and yes if you don't know the value of the blade you could get a consensus on the forum first?


Best of luck passing the blade along to it's future custodian.




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