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       I am not a patient man, ... as those few who know me and are left on this FORUM will already know  ( most who knew me are now dead ).    I had several   "  BUYERS "  in response to the listings I posted yesterday and the day before yesterday.   I spent from 8:30 AM this morning until 8:30 PM ( this evening ), ... answering Emails,  getting shipping quotes,  answering emails ( no, I'm not being redundant ),  wrapping parcels,  filling out CUSTOMS PAPERS for no less than three bloody countries,  checking my Email,  checking the NMB ( some people cannot read the  "  contact "  information posted with each listing ),  checking PayPal  ( after a certain time these bastards do not notify one ... when money has been sent ).   I can understand customers being a  " little slow paying ", ... but when they write and say that PayPal or Wire Transfer will be sent in a few minutes,  and I HAVE OTHERS WHO ARE LINED UP TO BUY THE SAME LISTED ITEM, ... THEN PAY ALREADY !   

      I expect Governments to be lazy,  inconsiderate,  but as some will KNOW, ... I HATE GOVERNMENTS.    The next customer who pisses me off, ... and bingo,  the item will go to the next in line or if no one buys,  ... then to my son or grandson !     There, ... I'm sure others who are using the NMB to sell items feel the same way as I do, ... however they are too kind to put it into words !


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Hello Ronald,


Just FYI if you are not currently aware. If you cannot provide an unbroken line of provenance, proving that anything IVORY is at least 100 years old prior to about 1974, you absolutely cannot sell it to any American. Anything ivory made after about 1974 sale if totally illegal.


Obama saw to that, additionally some states went even further with that said federal restriction, and implemented additional rules and restrictions pertaining to ivory anything. Yes even pianos with ivory keys and guitars with ivory frets.


Hope this email does not irritate you further, it is only meant to aid your future sales attempts.




Dear Mark,

     Yes,  I know all about IVORY.   At one time,  I owned and operated one of the first and largest HIGH QUALITY FINE ART & ANTIQUE BUSINESSES in the WORLD.   My customers ranged from those on a fixed budget ( pay so much a month customers ) to  the South Korean Secret Service,  The Swiss Secret Service,  The US Whitehouse,  every major Movie Studio in the World,  to virtually every MAJOR MUSEUM in the world.   Movie Stars by the truck load.  I sold WWII ENGIMA ( army, navy,  luftwaffen ).   I sold 15th Century Crossbows,  Elephant Rifles,  Dueling Pistols,  Holland & Holland Shotguns,  Purdy Shotguns,  rare Colts,  SOE / OSS / French WWII Resistance Items including Clandestine Radios,  War of 1812 Peace Medals,  Brownbess Muskets,  Indian Trade Muskets.   IVORY ESKIMO Artifacts such as dozens of ancient Harpoon Heads,  Snow Goggles,  HBC Capotes & Blankets, NWC Fur Trade Items from the 1790's,   Several fine Ivory Netsuke ( although I rarely sold Japanese Art ( I collected this material for myself ).

     The ban on IVORY is BULLSHIT,  as both China & Japan ignore the ban and buy all they can get.    My business came to an abrupt end after 9/11,  as it became impossible to ship a lot of what I dealt in INTERNATIONALLY.  THERE WERE NO ARAB HIJACKERS by the way.

      No, ... Mark you can never irritate me so long as you keep your word.   I am proud that I gave one  Federal Government INSPECTOR a Heart Attack so bad that he never worked again.   He had it coming.   I am also proud that I never told a lie in my life and I have never cast a vote in my life.  The Party System of Government is Corrupt,  wastefull,   and filled with liars.   In my notation on the LISTINGS, .. I state that IVORY will not be sold outside of Canada.

Kind regards, ... Ron Watson

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I hope your selling gets better in the future especially now that you have voiced your comments

You could put in something in your post stating items bought to be paid for in two days

I try to pay in a few hours but once I did forget to pay and after a nice reminder paid ASAP



Good luck



Dear Grev,

     We all forget things now and then, ... but there is a difference between saying  "  I'll pay in a few minutes ",  and then NOTHING for hours sometimes days !    I am not quite as mean as I used to be unless someone really pisses me off,  ... then I turn meaner than a Tom Cat with his balls cut off !

... Ron

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An excellent couple of spits, most enjoyable, informative and I'm sure therapeutic.  Also fascinating to see what you are selling.

All the best with the sale.


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5 hours ago, watsonmil said:

I am proud that I gave one  Federal Government INSPECTOR a Heart Attack so bad that he never worked again.   He had it coming.   I am also proud that I never told a lie in my life


Strong statements - I hope they don't deter potential buyers. I hope a feeling of calmness descends upon you after your items have sold. 


Best wishes





    Ah,  Hugh .... a feeling of calmness will descend upon me, ... WHEN OTHERS TREAT THEIR OBLIGATIONS IN A TIMELY FASHION.   What did I say to deter potential  " buyers "  ??    I give damn good service,  my items are honestly described and carefully packed and expeditiously shipped.   I,  if asked will give a detailed description of how the item was made,  acquired and an honest evaluation.   I answer ALL emails quickly and politely.   If more people were like me, ... then perhaps the world would not be in the mess we find today !

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Ronnie mate 

Do ship usps?

Click n ship is the way to fly, unless your sending express, customs info is built into the lable. I hate hate hand filling CF pain n the arse...id be much harsher on members if i was dealing with what you are.

Best sir hope it gets better.




Dear Old Friend,

     Stephen, ... UPS is VERY expensive in Canada.  Hell EVERYTHING is expensive in Canada.   Our Postal System is on the rocks,  our Medical System is on the rocks,  our Transportation System is on the rocks,  our Governments  ( Federal,  Provincial, and Municipal ) are on the rocks ( and have been for years ),  our IMMIGRATION System is on the rocks,  our Education System is on the rocks ( although still better than American ),   our Currency is on the rocks,  our Climate is on the rocks,  my Sex Life is ( almost on the rocks ... I am 74,  so I have an excuse ).  Our Judicial System is on the rocks.   One can trace ALL this trouble back to one common denominator ( BUREAUCRATS .. paper pushers who produce nothing, and whose sole purpose in life is to make someone else's life DIFFICULT ! 

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Posted (edited)

Forgot the Canadian postage....i was thinking USPS...silly me. To eager to help.  Sorry. 🙏🙏 


PS...what is this sex life you speak of?

76 here....foggy memory thinks ther was something about that in my late 50s lol

Edited by Stephen
Add PS

Usually i am way too far behind to comment or add things and i understand my limited participation these days on nmb  i shouldn't be jumping in and commenting.  however on reading this beware; i am wondering exactly what you are offering .... Sex for 2 70 yos?  Do you except trades?  Always looking for mantis themed fittings.  Lol.  You know you have a problem if you are becoming a street walker for fittings.  Ok back to my cave.... However, i would prefer a trade with daughters of said septuagenarians... Depends on the fitting.. 


Ah,  Ken, ... alas I have no daughters and if I did they would be approaching 50 years of age   ( once a female is past 20 years of age, ... I consider them " over the hill " ).

... Anonymouse

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Hugh cant take a joke?

My son say im too picky in looking at women, chides me wanting younger i say 44s not young...better than wanting two 22 yerold.

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Kenny its hard to say, when i was 36 i married a 18 yer old. Of course it was a total disaster but she was so adept at playing the piccolo ... I ah won't go there. 😉

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Studies show that the age of female that men find most attractive is 22. The age range of men studied was from 18 to 70 years. Didn't matter the age of the man -  age 22 was the most desirable. Men are innately wired to seek signs of youth and fertility in potential mating partners. It's just our nature. When it comes to Japanese swords, however, most of us would take a nice 500 year-old. Lol

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Ron although we were not able to do any business ( I was always to late )  I appreciated looking at all your sale items and reading your write ups. In the collecting world, for those interested and dedicated, with age comes wisdom. Time spent enjoying and studying leads to knowledge. Being able to examine examples of our interest over many years gives us a advantage the new/younger ones may never have. Books are a necessity and the new electronic world is invaluable, but being able to hold the items of interest in your have is the best learning experience. All of this comes with time and as time goes by we all age. Not all of us become smarter with age, but for those who do enjoy and retain the things that they have been lucky enough to have had that chance to hold, they are the truly lucky ones.  Glad you posted here and good luck with your future where ever it leads you.  Thank you for sharing   


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Mr. Farr, ... that is your prerogative.   I can see by your profile you are a novice or as I prefer to call them,  " a wanna be ".   Until you win the Lotto 649.  whereupon you will have money to spend on QUALITY and indulge your self in serious study of a worthwhile blade,  ... please accept a few words of wisdom from an old timer, .... " BUY BOOKS and STUDY, and then study some more ".  On one of your threads you mention eBay.   This IS NOT a good place to begin collecting as this venue is well know as the home of fraudsters and / or poor quality items.    I wish you good luck.

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Like many things that life presents to us, Ron is an acquired taste :laughing:
Sometimes it takes reaching a certain age to appreciate what and how he is feeling. I get it. And I grant him the leeway that life and age and experience sometimes earn.
I'm sure Ron himself will not expect everyone to be overly fond of him. But many of us are. Those that are offended, sometimes it's just advisable to withdraw. Cancel culture has no place here.
That said, Ron....you sure do push the buttons hard, so responses such as Dave gave can hardly come unexpected.
Anyways all...carry on.

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He is old and stressed out.

Times where different in his past.

Your word and fist was valued most in his days.

Please cut him some slack for the sake of his collection and passion for a hobby.

Imagine all the people who messaged him who weren't even serious and said some sideways stupid sh*t just to poke at him.

He has a lot of orders and I can only imagine wanting everything to be sent out right and on time.

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NOT TO WORRY :  Sunny,  PietroParis,  I'll soon have Brian END my sales on the 17th of November.   I shall then like I did previously on January 29, 2015 disappear from the NMB.    No more teaching,  no more commenting,  no more sales.   I need no slack cut,  and my word is as good as it always was.  My fists are somewhat crippled with arthritis,  but I never did nor will ever will back away from a fight.    After the 17th of November, ... anyone wishing to buy ( if item still available ) will have to contact me at my email address :   766watson@gmail.com      as I will no longer be monitoring the NMB after that date.

I promise !


Well I'm a mere 63 years old and a newer member to NMB, so unfortunately have not had the opportunity of getting to know Mr. Watson.


However, from what I've read so far, and with his direct comments...I like him already, and dare I say, share a lot of his type of attitude.


As is often said of missed opportunities, wish this was another time and place.



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