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Just purchased a sword online that is completely covered with what seems to be relatively dried up machine oil or the like. No telling what's underneath but it is almost literally covered with goo.. Soap and water?


I suggest start with isopropyl alcohol (as close to 100% as possible).  If that doesn’t work, let us know as there are some other options available.



if it is oil or technical grease, you will need a chemical solvent like benzene or acetone (please use these dangerous substances outside the building to protect your little rosy lungs). While they can efficiently remove paint or grease, they will not harm the steel.

After this treatment, a very thin layer of Camellia oil will protect the blade, but take care that no oil will remain on the blade when you re-sheath it!

Water is never a good idea on blades.


Thanks for the replies. I actually already have some goof off due to a child based art project on my kitchen counter.. Good times. 

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When you get your blade please post some before and after pictures and let us know what you used and what worked the best. If it’s dried cosmoline, that’s a bear to get off and sometimes stains. I have heard that sometimes a little, and I repeat A Little heat works. I am talking about a hair dryer set on low. Look forward to a follow up. Congrats on a new purchase.



When I was working with a curator of gold star museum, cosmoline came off with a few wipes of goof off.

I'm looking forward to his progress as well.


As always I very much appreciate the replies. I will make sure to post Before & After pictures when I get it. I am hoping for Wednesday.. Not expecting much out of the blade, likely an Arsenal made World War II but for $200 and an unknown signature figured worth the gamble....

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Will do. Goof off was amazing! I will post the after pics but took about a minute and was mind blowing how well it worked It is far from the norimitsu but made a world of difference


Work has been a touch crazy with caterings pre Labor Day. We'll get some pictures up of the clean version this afternoon. Positively amazing difference

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