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I need some help determining the authenticity of this sword. Not mine so sorry for not having better photos. I THINK it is a type 98 and machine made and allegedly it was carried by an sergeant during WWII.. Any insight anyone can give is appreciated. Thanks. 





This has the appearance of a WWII machine made gunto. From the pictures provided, it is difficult to really tell you much more. To give you a more accurate answer, we need close-up pics of the blade body, the blade tip,  and pics of the nakago (tang of the sword) under the handle. 

Sorry I can't help you more.


It definitely looks like a lot of Type 98s that I have handled, with a leather cover over a wooden scabbard. The wrapping on the grip is pretty much gone, but from what I can see there are no red flags.


However as Dan C. said, much better close up and detailed pictures are really needed, especially if the handle can be taken off and the tang photographed. The tip of the blade is also important to check for the proper geometry.


To further elaborate on my first post, and to second what tbone said, it does appear to be authentic, and there are no red-flags indicating it is a knock-off. More (detailed) pics are key to more information.


All the best...

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