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This sword was passed down to me 12 years ago. My life and travels have led me far from it. Finally, I've had time and help to figure out what it is.  Story from my grandmother was this was a battlefield pickup by my great uncle during the Korean War. He sent it home and was ultimately killed before he could return.  My parents and family all say that's what the story was. Whether that's true or not I have no idea. But if I could get some help on the history or the translation on this blade that'd be greatly appreciated. Screenshot_20210712_224507_com.Slack.thumb.jpg.ab1334226883ad7b7704d6ee574f0e97.jpg





I think it is:


Yamato Kami Yoshimichi 大和守吉道 (I can't verify the signature is authentic although I see many traits of the school). Mid to late 1600s. 


It appears to be wakizashi. I suggest you keep it oiled with choji oil and do NOT touch the polished area. Then decide whether to have it authenticated and restored (if need be).


Many references online.


I am a big fan of the school. 




10 hours ago, Jonathank said:

a battlefield pickup by my great uncle during the Korean War


I think you ought to consider the strong possibility that this was not found on a Korean battlefield. Maybe it was acquired during a trip to Japan?


"the battlefields of Yokohama?"

Seriously check his service records, my own grandfather sent home many Japanese antiques while "serving" in Korea. He could have easily bought this from another soldier or sailor en route to Korea and it was a legitimate pick up from the earlier war. Potentially a nice piece, deserves careful consideration...


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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