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If there is a link here posted and I missed it, please delete and my apologies. 


I am a new collector and the lexicon/vernacular is a bit to interpret. I understand it is intermingled with history and that I should start there, but what books would you recommend to a new guy/gal trying to learn more or rather, not speak so inefficiently?


I have been using all my available free time for the past few months to learn here, prior to being a member, and just barely got the surface. Any help is appreciated, insults to my ignorance, understood; but all-in-all like to think I'm a nice guy to share a beer with. :)

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Hi Brian,

There are gobs of sword terms in Japanese; witness this book:


but you don't need to know any where near that many to get started.  Yumoto's The Samurai Sword:


or Sato's The Japanese Sword:


will cover the basics and that's enough to begin.  Keep reading, studying, & looking at good swords; you'll be pleased with your progress.


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