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Greetings, I think this Type 3 is a Kinoshita Yoshitada made Katana. Traditional made? Is it San Mai?  Worth polishing? Ito in very good condition. Possible value? I have more pix but to many k at one time.






In my opinion, gendaito are usually not financially worth the expense of having them get a Japanese polish.   This one looks like it may have some condition issues as well.  


On 5/17/2021 at 3:21 PM, berdlezap said:

Traditional made? Is it San Mai?  Worth polishing?


Every blade has to be evaluated on it's own, but USUALLY, blades in the light tan saya are showato.  It's got a nice suguha hamon (to me) and whether "worth" polishing is totally a personal decision.  Are you keeping this forever?  Are you selling?  This kind of gunto goes for around $1,000 on the fleabay market.  A polish will cost over $2,000 which is more than it can sell for.  But I had my dad's gunto polished because it mattered to me, and was therefore, worth it.

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