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Just picked this waki up recently. Its got a big beefy blade to it and some nice koshirae. I suspect it could be a cut down naganata or nagamaki. Either way I thought it looked really nice. Figured you guys would enjoy it as well.


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Thanks guys it really is a nice piece. The blade has some rust and looks like it was put away wet at some point. There is some rust at the boshi so it is kind of hart to tell. I will have to examine it more closely.  This picture from the listing seems to portray the boshi the best. Im trying to determine if its a koto blade or maybe a shinshinto reproduction. One piece of the two part habaki is stuck and I am still working on a way to gently remove it.


  • 2 months later...
10 minutes ago, Toryu2020 said:

So that makes naginata-naoshi more likely...


Which would be considered more valuable/desirable? An O'suriage naginata-naoshi cut down from a pole arm or a sword designed in the style of naginata naoshi? Would this blade still paper since it is technically not a sword but a cut down pole arm? 





Tsukuri-komi is not so much a factor. Unusual shapes can sometimes add interest but only so much. The key to value is always going to be workmanship and condition. If the artist is well known and the work is recognized that is always going to be more valuable, one form is not valued so much over another. And yes blades of all types are considered.


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