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I bought a kai gunto koshirae on Buyee but I am now receiving an email saying that the item cannot be shipped outside of Japan because it has *shark leather*...

*we have confirmed the package contents in accordance to the Aviation Law and International Postal Regulations, the following item included in the package is prohibited from being shipped internationally using any couriers including Japan Post and UPS*

Prohibited Item:
【Shark leather】


There are kindly proposing to throw the item away & my money with it...


Did anybody came across such a situation? I already bought another kai koshirae without any issue!

thx for your help


What I have done in the past is link them to items they have successfully shipped in the past and keep being persistent. Eventually they have "tried" and my items have always been sent. Personally I am having an issue right now with Japan Post not shopping ems to Canada and my packages are being held until that service resumes. Hopefully I don't run into the same issue with the shark leather when that resumes. If you keep having issues there maybe someone who lives in Japan on this forum that can help you get your item. 


The only service option I had is DHL or 60 days on a boat 

Back to org post you have to keep on them, saying you have bought before. It's not shark skin but ray  skin. Don't let up on them . The more you counter the higher it gets passed up 


Eventually it will reach somebody who speaks English and not just a bot or peon.

  • Thanks 1

If it's a kai gunto with the shagreen saya, then it may well be "shark skin leather" and not the rayskin they are whining about.
Last option would be to ship to someone in Japan like Kelly Schmidt and pay him to export for you.


I think there have been enough threads about not using Buyee.

Probably your safest thing is to do as Brian said and get Kelly Schmidt involved to ship your item.


I thank you for your votes of confidence, gentlemen!


However, in this case, I am afraid that I am in the same boat.

I recently bought a new shark skin saya for a customer (with out thinking first...)

and later I felt it may be an issue to export, so am now trying to resell it on Yahoo in Japan.

I'll probably lose my shirt, but I pushed the button, so...


I shall certainly be happy to bid for you on other items with no animal product issues,

so by all means, if you would like to join my mailing list, just PM me.


Sorry I cannot be of help in this case.


Kelly Schmidt



My advice for buyee, after dealing with all of these issues, is such: only buy smaller items like Tsuba, Tassels, books etc. Full Koshirae are a real headache lately and the buyee support team are more or less hopeless if it is thought the item is in anyway 'not allowed'.


Full koshirae, full blades, and even full armors, no problem (depending on country...).  I export them daily.


Buyee will deny shipping under various circumstances, such as:

   antiques and weapons requiring export permits.  They apparently don't know how to do the permits.

   items (like armors) packed too big (by EMS, over 1.5m, or girth+length over 3.0; by DHL over 1.2 m).  They haven't a clue how to pack an armor small enough


Ask before you buy!





thx for your feedback. I guess the seller put *shark leather* in some papers and it went crazy from there. I already bought a few kai shark saya from Japan without any issue and the item was allowed to be purchased :( 

I do not want to have it thrown away :( 

Would anybody have another contact in Japan as Kelly is not able to do it? 

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