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Another small detail is I do not see any provision for a scabbard lock on these while Bruce's does have a scabbard lock.  The fitting are army all the way through and that rules out use by other government organizations.  I think these are pre-1938 manufacture and tend to agree with John above.  Bruce's sword seems to be the next step in the evolution of the concept.  Make is showy but also make it functionial. 

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The metal piece around the throat of the scabbard is also unique. On my standard type 98 the metal piece only goes around the outside of the throat of the scabbard. On the LWG the metal piece goes around the outside and over the top (excluding the hole for the blade.) Hope that makes sense. Thought it was important to point out. 

  • Thanks 1
13 hours ago, ribendao said:

I measured the blade and it appeared to be exactly 0.9 inches. I attempted to poke out the menuki but couldn’t get it to budge. One side of the menuki Ana is covered by the ito wrap. I was able to move it a little but the ito wrap is so tight and fragile I would rather not futz with it for now.



 Well you're not likely to find anything other than a factory stamp or a number anyway, so no big deal. Regarding the custom v production status of the mounts, from what I can see without modern (as in late 20thC)  vacuum casting, they involve a lot of hand finishing even on the standard pieces. I suspect lost wax investment casting for the most part with hand finishing, especially for the nanako background on the tsuba, so a custom piece is not that unlikely. 



guntofactory montage.jpg


Wow, really cool photos Dave!
Maybe if I sell this LWG one day the next owner will be able to remove the tsuka and shed a little more light on this subject. I am really curious myself if there is anything significant underneath but not confident enough in my hands to do a clean job. 

6 hours ago, ribendao said:

The metal piece around the throat of the scabbard is also unique. On my standard type 98 the metal piece only goes around the outside of the throat of the scabbard. On the LWG the metal piece goes around the outside and over the top (excluding the hole for the blade.) Hope that makes sense. Thought it was important to point out. 


In my experience, the norm is the kind that covers the end of the saya fully, with slot cut for the blade.  The kind that is simply a band around the outside is the exception, found more on civilian swords and wooden saya with leather cover.


Dave, John, or others may have a correction/addition to that as I don't really study fittings that closely.

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Thanks Bruce. I only have/ever had one type 98 and it has the band type. Did not realize this was more of an exception. Maybe it is a change they made in the manufacturing later into the war to save on materials. Having that extra brass at the opening of the scabbard does seem kind of unnecessary.

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