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WTB - Nakago Nuki (Nakago stuck in shirasaya)


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Unfortunately the Nakago of my Nihonto ist stuck in the handle of the shirasaya.


Therefore I am looking to buy a Nakago Nuki. 


Preferably from within the EU but all offers are welcome.


I might also be interested in wooden wedge to remove the blade in case it ever gets stuck within the tsuka (of the koshira).


Many thanks.




You can probably use a piece of one by two and a small mallet.the mallet hits the word which sites on the tsuka touching the habaki. Mr. Newton take care of the rest.


Hi Faust,

Lay a bath towel on a kitchen counter or heavy table, with a few inches of the towel hanging over the edge.  Holding onto the tsuka, lay the side of the blade on the towel.  Push the tsuka forward so the edge of the tsuka strikes the edge of the counter.  It may take a few tries but the blade will work its way loose.  Note: this works for shirasaya and for koshirae with unadorned iron tsuba; do not do this with kinko tsuba or iron tsuba with soft metal inlay.


  • 2 weeks later...



Thanks to a very nice board member I received a wooden tool to get the nakago out of the shirasaya.

That worked without any problems.

And I could finally inspect the nakago and insert the blade into the tsuka. 


So thanks to everyone around for the good advice.




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