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Christian paperweight


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Japanese made Christian tsuba paperweight  https://www.jauce.com/auction/371174105 I think these were made to celebrate the opening of the 26 Martyrs museum in Nagasaki - could be wrong, could someone translate the script on the box? I have one that was presented by Mr. Kitamura, the director of the Osaka Namban Bunkakan Museum in 1975 to an American seminary student. They turn up infrequently, may have been a limited number produced.


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Now that is a very good question, Dale. If I were to take a guess, then they had/saw a tsuba in this design, signed Nobuie, which they decided to reproduce for their limited edition. It certainly changes my perception of Nobuie, such a famous name in the worlds of Tsuba and Katchu/Kabuto.

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  • 2 years later...

Like many reproductions created for a certain purpose - once that purpose has been separated from the object, the object can take on a life of it's own.

This paperweight was created as a museum souvenir. 




Japan, 17th century, Edo period (1615-1868), tsuba Namban in bronze and iron, pierced with a representation of a Latin Christian cross, signed. Signs of use. Dim.:9.5x9.5cm.


Well the dating is a little off, more accurate date of manufacture would be early to mid 1970s!


Importantly the box and the nakago-ana insert that was designed as a handle for the paperweight have gone missing - so the seller has fallen back on the inscription as being true. Unfortunately the piece is not uncommon and the nakago-ana is not correctly shaped. The price being asked is excessive [opening bid €1,300] when you consider the same item can be purchased for about $54 USD with all the accessories - https://www.jauce.com/auction/371174105  Yes the same piece from the first post in 2020 is still doing it's rounds!  And the price has not changed from 2017!

What is a fifty year old paperweight worth?



christian copy like mine.jpg

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