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G'day Guys,

I have had this sword for a while, but have never had any luck tracking down this obscure swordsmith. The blade is a mumei, shinshinto katana attributed to Kanenaga according to the old NBTHK paper it came with. Here are the stats of the blade:

Nagasa 73.6mm

Sori 14mm

Motohaba 32mm

Sakihaba 22mm

Kasane 7mm

Kissaki 38mm


The nakago has no visible yasurimei. The hamon is very bright and pops out even under low light conditions. When you take the blade out into sunlight, the itame/mokume hada really "sings". Can anyone help me with any info about this smith?











NBTHK Paper Katana.jpg


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That is a very beautiful sword. At first glance, I thought there were no activities and muji Hada, but the close ups show a gorgeous sword. Beautiful! :Drool:

EDIT: found this but don’t know if it’s one of those guys... oh, and you papers are NTHK I think. :)


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I think if you sent it to shinsa today, it would come back with a different attribution. It seems that nowadays it is unlikely that it would get attributed to a name and an era (late Edo - 江戸末期 on the paper) for which there is no representative smith. It could have been a transcription error, or maybe they were basing that on some reference that was available then, but isn't available now. At any rate,  the attribution made in 1963 of "Kanenaga of Late Edo" attribution feels like a dead end. 

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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