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Hello my name is Geoffry from Holland.

I have bought this old signed blade years ago. 

It had some bends and it had lost a lot of steel at the cutting edge.

I had noticed that it was signed on the side as they usually signed tachi swords.

So i asked my friend to gave it a nice polish.

And i have remounted it in a antique koshirae.

So now i like to know who made the sword.

So please help me out with this one.

The blade is in total 83,5 cm long.

I have uploaded two pictures of the blade before polishing.

Best regards




6.8Mb is insane for one picture. You aren't publishing a billboard. I edited your post and reuploaded the pic, which displays the same at 270kb
Please edit your pics. If you don't know how, there are plenty of free online image resizers if you Google.

26 minutes ago, Brian said:


6.8Mb is insane for one picture. You aren't publishing a billboard. I edited your post and reuploaded the pic, which displays the same at 270kb
Please edit your pics. If you don't know how, there are plenty of free online image resizers if you Google.

I have resized them Brian. Thank you


Hamon runs off at the kissaki by the looks of it and in a few other places along the ha.

If you look closely you will see this.

These are classed as fatal flaws.

The kissaki sustained damage and was reshaped .sadly in doing so your polisher has destroyed the blade. (If it was him)

Sorry... no really happy ending here.






  • Sad 1

Hi Geoffry,

What Christian said is so true.  You have saved money on a polish and done serious damage to the sword and significantly reduced its value.  Your friend has no business polishing Japanese swords; he doesn't have proper training.  You said it looks a lot better than how it was before.  When I look at your before picture I see a fine old blade with real potential.  When I look at the pictures after polish I see a mess that may not be repairable.


  • Thanks 1

Trust me guys the kissaki was in this form allready. There wasn't almost any hamon in the kissaki sir.

And the blade is not reshaped at all sir.

My friend took out some very tiny chips sir but the ones that were to big they were left in the cutting edge sir.

And you can all have some comment on my friend because of the polishing but it is not possible only to judge from the pictures. 

If you had seen the blade in your hands and had seen it in realtime then you would believed me sir.



If you spent time on this forum, you'll know that amateur polishing is forbidden completely here. No matter what the circumstances.
Please drop that subject now, as it is not negotiable, and rather discuss the sword.
Btw, your friend doesn't know what niku means.

Although polite, no need to call any of us sir, as we are all equal here

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

I forgot to add sir.

The jihada is darker the hamon is milky.

Your polisher has it the wrong way around.

The kissaki may have sustained historical damages, but the hamon runs off so the sword now ,to a collector, is valueless.

I am sorry I hope you learn from this.

It may have been salvaged by a top togoshi or it may not,we will never know .


I've just had a sword returned to me by an amateur polisher and I now see everything that the good people on here were telling me but I could not hear.

I lost the money in my own poor polish in the UK and will now send it off to a professional to get it done properly .

Gents in way of an apology my hitatsura tachi came back looking buffed and soul less and it wasn't even out of polish by much when I sent it off.

I am astonished at the lack of skill and the front to still take my money.

UK collectors ,You have been warned!


  • Like 1

We should collect cases like this on the board and display them in a sticky so it may serve as a warning to amateur would-be-polishers and collectors alike to show them what happens when you let hubris overwhelm common sense.


This is a terrible loss and needs to serve as a firm warning to prevent as many future cases as possible!


Brian, please lock this so they cannot attempt to save face or it may give other newbies the impression that this is okay!

  • Like 2

Sllright guys i have learned my lesson today the hard way.

I am glad that i made this terrible mistake with a gimei sword.

Thanks everybody for your honest opinion..

And in the future i will let the blade just as it is.



Geoffry, you found a good old sword.  Whether gimei or not, it looks to be at least 600 years old.  


Keep looking, maybe you will find another - and next time share it on the NMB before you do anything else with it! 

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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