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When you can purchase a sword with a suriage nakago by ( let`s say a good)  smid

and both sides of the nakago are cut of to fit in a WW2 koshirae has that effect on the value of the sword ?


See picture white arrow.






 Very likely cut down (suriage) long before it went into gunto mounts. WW2 Gendai and Showato had long nakago, almost full length of the Tsuka in many cases.


Its really not a huge deal I would say. As Dave says, many Katana/Tachi were cut down a few times to follow the changes in the law on permissible length. As long as the patina is intact, having been cut to fit in a WWII tsuka isn't likely to raise issue as it was done period correct.


Here's a little article I wrote, way back when:


Sword Length Prohibitions

The early regulations relating to the length of blades have been mentioned, several attempts were made at reducing the number of sword wearers, as will now be seen:

    In the second year of Kencho (1250), Hojo Tokiyori prohibited ordinary people from carrying long swords.  This regulation was enforced by Akashi Kanetsuna, since then, common people and all priests carried long Kogatana called Wakizashi no Tachi.

    In Tensho XVI (1588), Hideyoshi made a proclamation to obtain from common people the surrender of their swords.  Being a cunning man, he announced that it was his intention to build a Daibutsu Temple in Kyoto, and that he required thousands of nails, and he wished people to hand over their swords so that they might acquire merit towards a future life by stopping their earthly fights and contributing towards a religious cause.  But people were less interested in a problematic paradise than in actually protecting themselves, and they did not rise to his bait.

    In Genna VIII, the Shogun Tokugawa Iyetada prohibited common people from wearing swords to avoid brawls; the Tachi was called then O Wakizashi.

    In Kwanyei XVII (1640), Tokugawa Iyemitsu prohibited the attendants of Bujin from carrying tachi.

    In Kwambun X (1670), Tokugawa Iyetsuna issued a regulation making the length of tachi 2'8"-9", and o-wakizashi 1'8", and anyone carrying a longer sword was liable to punishment.

    In Tenna III (1683), Tokugawa Tsunayoshi reiterated the prohibition to common people to wear the long sword, but allowed them to carry a tanto; musicians and painters, even when of the Samurai class, were debarred from carrying a big sword.

    In Kwansei X (1798), it was decided that any sword exceeding 1'8" should be termed Naga Wakizashi, and anyone carrying such a sword was liable to punishment.  Later, the length was reduced to 1'5".

    Finally, in Meiji IX (1877), the Haitorei was issued prohibiting the wearing of swords, except the one sword belonging to soldiers and police when in uniform.


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As for the question on value,  yes it does lose value compared to an ubu sword.  An Osuriage sword in good condition, goes for about half of an ubu example, made by the same smith, in the same condition.


Tanks all for your input.


The length of this nakago is shorted a long time ago.

But the sides of this nakago are also cut down probably to fit in the gunto mounts , it is done roughly probably with a saw.

So the original shape of the nakago isn`t there any more.

Therefore may question in the first place.


 If the Ha and Mune were altered to fit the tsuka, then the odds are that it is a "shotgun job", aka a dealers special. If you bought it recently, you want your money back! There is nothing wrong with assemblages, provided they are honest jobs, and the price reflects that status.... But cutting the nakago to fit a spare Tsuka is very bad indeed.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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