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Why are Shinshinto Swords so Expensive ?

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Hello everyone,


I have been looking at Shinshinto Katana's for a while now and I am amazed how expensive they are (I have been looking at papered in polish sword's). I was wondering if anyone can explain why. It seems to me that similar rated smiths in Shinto Katana's are a priced much less, is it because there is a greater number of Shinto sword's that were produced? I noticed at the last Christies auction at Rockerfeller Plaza NY the majority of swords that did not sell were Shinshinto Sword's (i am assuming because thier reserves were not met). Any information would be greatly appreciated.




The same reason diamonds are worth more than rubies. Since no one is taking these swords to war any more, value is determined to a large extent by whim of the market. If Shin-Shinto swords are popular their value increases. Works the same with wakizashi and katana. No practical reason why katana are worth more; just collectors' taste at the moment.


No practical reason why katana are worth more; just collectors' taste at the moment.





I beg to differ (if slightly). Polishing a katana costs more than a wakizashi. This may not matter in a Juyo, but it does in an average sword. On the other hand you are right - my guess is that most people simple associate a "samurai sword" with a katana, and that most people have this (secret) longing to swing this sword a few times in order to look like Mifune in Kurosawa's movies.


Well, I can't say for sure as my own experience is far to limited. That said, my first thoughts would be that shin-shinto blades can exhibit a bit more flamboyance that may have a greater appeal to some western collectors. Also they are newer, which means in many cases being healthier, as more of the blade is still intact having received less polishes in their lifetime.


Shin-Shinto blades I believe took the back-seat for a while, now may just be their time in the spotlight, who knows. :dunno:




Shinshinto swords are not more expensive than the others. All depend by whom is made the blade and its condition; you can find shinshinto blade at a reasonable price (see link below). Sure if you want a Kiyomaro or a Masatsugu the price will be high but not too high in regard of a shodai Tadayoshi or a Inoue Shinkai for example.



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