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I have a koto O-suriage katana coming home from Big Mo polish SOON ( next week if I can come up with the dough ).

Since I am not good in taking sword pics, Big Mo will do it for me ( I believe he took some before pics too, but not sure ). I will post them for kantei since my sword knowledge is stuck in the beginners' stage.


So.............. I will be putting some fittings up for sale over the weekend.

p.s. this is the sword I have for over 20 years and had the strangest looking hada rust, sort of like silvery grey satin finish but the outline of the hamon was very clear with choji, I played with it by rub, rub, rub with hazuya/jizuya ( spelling ? ) finger stone/sliver and the more I rubbed, the more interesting features showed up ( that was before I sent it to Big Mo for polish ).


Should be interesting to kantei, no, Bungo is not an acceptable answer.




just received the sword back and I like it.

Very hard to take pic of boshi but it's a continuation og the gunome-midare ( I think ).

The hamon is complex, choji-gunome-midare, sometimes one on top of other, nioi based.

According to Big Mo, ther hada is itame mixed with mokume.

He promised to post pics on his web site with before and after pics.

I am posting some pics to give you all an idea.







choji-gunome-midare, sometimes one on top of other, nioi based.

According to Big Mo, ther hada is itame mixed with mokume.


Bizen maybe Ichimonji?


Not so much choji but more like some round thingie, sometimes one hamon seems to sit on another.

Big Mo still haven't sent me the pics, may be I will " draw " what " I see, esp. the boshi and the monoguchi ( spelling ? ) area so you all have a better idea.

Hada is mokume .






(censor forbids me to address you in our fondest term nickname :steamed: :rant: )


I took a few new pics and hopefully they are better than the ones posted earlier..........

p.s. I can't get a good pic of the monouchi ( spelling ? ) area.....the double genome-midare sorts of bland together .

p.p.s. I have named this sword....Carla








(censor forbids me to address you in our fondest term nickname :steamed: :rant: )





Is it just me, or am I missing something? :dunno: Maybe there's some rift between you two that's invisable to the rest of us, but....


I can think of many much worse things to accuse a blade's origins of than "Bizen Ichimonji".


If the nature of the unpleasantry is invisible to the rest of us, perhaps it should remain so publicly.


Just to clarify.. :)

Milt started his post with "My dear Froggie..." which I deleted. Of course Milt and Jean are friends enough that it isn't a concern at all, but for the other French members or readers, it was courtesy on my part as they may not know the background, and may not feel the same way about the term. So the dig is at me..but I can live with that :D




Sure, based on the images (danger danger :o :) ) Bizen could be a reasonable choice. The jigane looks hadatachi even a bit whitish (that could be just the lighting though). Maybe Omiya Bizen? Any utsuri in the ji?


Yes, Ted, Milt and I are the best friends and use between us nicknames (our common rotten sense of humor)


Concerning Milt blade, it is undoubtedly a very impressive hada tachi - makes me think of my Naoe Shizu.

If I can do it, I'll take one day some pictures of it to post. I just got back my web connection last night, but I don't know where to put my PC!!!


I don't know why, but at work ( :oops: :oops: ), NMB website is lacking stability. I use balckpearl but after a few clicks it gets back to the Nihonto one.


yesterday, I tried to reply to Milt but each time I try to connect, I was sent back to the Username/Password pannel, verrrryyyyy frustrating.


Seems to be working this morning. Sorry for :offtopic:


I can always call jean " secret agent man "( his preference, wonder why ) but most get beat up real bad ( but do get the girl in the end) so i prefer the other one............. ( like Queen Bess 's Duke of Alencon ).

Now that's out of the way.................


I am inclined towards Bizen ( ichimonji is a stretch but not out of the realm of imagination , esp. the trailing horizontal nioi thingie off and above the gunome midare hamon ), there's a few isolated patches of nioi like thingie but I don't think they are utsuri ( at least not the continuous one like I have on my Bungo swords ).

Big Mo is on vacation so i won't get the promised pics ( before/after ) till a week or so . :cry:



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