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The video at the previous link was corrected. Reposting it below. Thanks again Grey for pointing out the issue. There is still is a Token To Rekishi shown in one of the other photographed groupings of references, however that particular slide which was mistitled has been replaced.



BTW, I believe that Markus Sesko is still providing English-language translations of some portions of Token Bijutsu to US (and European) members, so there is that additional benefit of membership (though the translations do not appear in the journals themselves).


Best regards,


  • Like 3

Congrats Ray, like the calm and cool speech...


Markus books are on amazon, too. May be another quideline is to find your personal adviser (sensei).




PS keep on with your videos

  • Like 3



After a busy week, I expected to watch those during the weekend and Lo! No internet connection!


Finally, it’s back, but iffy and I was able to watch and enjoy them! Awesome work Ray. Those are a must see!

  • Like 2

Really enjoying them Ray.

And thanks for the forum plug. These are very well done, easy to digest and contain excellent info. How you find the time...I have no idea.

  • Like 2

Thanks everyone and happy to provide the forum info. I was hoping to get more of these published by now, but it's looking like an output of 1-2 videos per week is going to be the most realistic flow moving forward. Like the one above, I will post a blog article on my site first that will be used to craft each video (basically, becoming the script for narration).

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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