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I have started a new YouTube channel (Swords of Japan) to feature videos of different swords that I have owned or handled. Please see below for a feature on a Bingo Chu-Mihara katana owned by John Yumoto, and feel free to subscribe to see future videos.



  • Like 26

Love it! Some more knowledge out there will be good for all lovers of nihonto. I always thought it'd be nice to document my collection of blades with videos since I am nearing about 70 blades or so; but I lack the equipment and any skill to do so.

  • Like 1

Nice to put a voice to the face Ray. Excellent video, my only complaint would be I wanted it to go longer.

I subscribed to your channel and im sure it will be very educational and entertaining for Nihonto lovers. Much appreciated mate.



  • Like 2

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the feedback and longer form videos are definitely the plan moving forward. I have some ideas for additional content, but any suggestions or requests for future videos please let me know. I have one request for Naoe Shizu which will happen soon.

  • Like 1

That was great though a little fast. I wish the pictures were up a little longer. You’ve got an incredibly good voice Ray, just made for that! :)

  • Like 2

Great work Rarray. 


one thing id like to have kept the voice volume as it started, it dropped a bit and toward end. other wise good show!!

  • Like 1

Wanted to subscribe but have to go through Google. I had an account years ago but I forgot the password, it will take a few days till it is fixed. Wish things could be easier today... :(

  • Like 2

I appreciate all of the feedback & support I received here and through direct messages. One I received from several individuals was that the Gokaden section as much too short, so I published a longer form video for that topic this evening.


  • Like 14

A video library like these will also help the beginners, as well as people who might be interested but haven't stuck their toes in the water.


Mods, how do we get these videos more visibility?

  • Like 3

Yep, there should be a sticky for those vids!


No commentaries or anything, just the vids with an index link. Or even though they’re not articles proper, they should be archived there too.

  • Like 1

Ray, great project!
Once there are a few there with the basics (Gokkaden etc etc) we'll add a post in GD with the videos in the post and make it a sticky. It can then be the standard "check out this post" for any newcommers that ask relevant questions.
Would be great to have a video showing hataraki and maybe hamon/hada? But it all looks good and I think a great effort. Great voice for this Ray, you missed your vocation :)

  • Like 5

This is a great suggestion, thanks Brian. I will begin pulling together some reference photos so I can discuss and highlight different types of hataraki and features.


Best regards,


  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations Ray, I think this is excellent. I am also reassured that your recommendations are very much in line to the policies we have been advocating within the Token Society of GB over the years (means perhaps we have been doing it right :) ).

Certainly I share your view that doing kantei is probably the best learning tool available to us and that is why we try and introduce the opportunity to participate at our various meetings.

Keep up the good work I think this is great

Best Regards


  • Like 3

Hi Ray, I tried PM for this but it couldn't go through.
Congrats on your videos; they are excellent.  I did find one error, however.  6 minutes in on the beginners' video you identify a publication as Token Bijutsu and it is not that (I think it is the NTHK's magazine).  The picture shows a page that is half in English and Token Bijutsu is all Japanese; it might mislead a beginner to spend $250 for something he'll find out the hard way he can't read.
Thank you for the plug for my site; much appreciated.  See you in Atlanta I hope.  Grey

  • Like 2
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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