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I am currently working on making the NMB FAQ page, to cover many of the basic questions we get asked frequently.

I don't want to make it a huge section..there are plenty of pages dealing with the basics. However there are many topics that we could include for novices so that they don't have to search the whole forum for the answers already covered.


What I would like from you all, is some idea of questions you would like briefly covered.

I know the ones such as: How to oil and care for a blade, how to spot a fake, how to disassemble a sword.

Then there are more serious ones such as: Is it worth polishing?


Please give some of your thoughts as to topics that should be covered. Since I don't have all the answers either, I will be asking if there are folks who are willing to write up a short article on some of these. I don't want to copy ones already published on other websites word for word. We have some great articles from Guido already. Is there anyone who is prepared to write a basic article or 2 on some of the questions that will be featured?

Maybe things like "sword ettiquette" (Grey? :) ) and a brief glossary on the basic words. How about a Nihonto pronunciation section (words like hakkikake spring to mind ;) )


Anyways..for now, let's see what questions you would like covered. And please remember this is supposed to be a basic FAQ, so we won't need to go into too much academic debate on subjects that take a book to cover.





Brian -


Might want to check the FAQ on my website (feel free to use any of

the info or just link to it - whatever). The question "is it worth polishing"

IMHO is impossible to answer without seeing the blade up close and

personal. At best, I would suggest that an answer would be to sent/show

it to a polisher for opinion.


You can save yourself a lot of work by just linking to existing websites

or pages that answer basic questions. No point in re-inventing the wheel.


Just some thoughts from an old geezer.

Rich S


Hi Rich,

Yep..I do agree with you, but have been specifically requested to do one for the novices to cover some of the subjects that are asked about so often. (More of a beginners section) I don't plan on putting up a comprehensive guide to Nihonto, as that is well covered by sites such as yours. I think just a few basics, maybe even linking to posts here that have discussed various subjects, might be helpful. It will also be a good place to put some of the great articles we have.

That way, we don't have to keep posting the same replies and links..it should mostly be in the faq.

There are still some good articles out there on whether to polish or not. They can never say yes or no...but they can guide you if the sword is not worth it, or has serious flaws, or mention that you seldom get your money back.

Anyways, it will hopefully just be a few good pointers that will allow people to understand some of the things spoken about here without having to ask every time.

I appreciate the offer to link to your page, which I always do. As you say...can't re-invent the wheel :)





How about questions pertaining to ebay purchases i.e.

"Are there any good buys on ebay? Can anyone recommend a reputable ebay seller? How do you tell if it is a fake"? Can I buy a really fine whetstone at ACE can I polish off some scratches or can I use this sharpening kit from ebay to get started . I know these seem ridiculous, however, I believe that these are what the beginner would ask.


Questions about buying on line. There are a great number of us that cannot attend shows in Chicago, San Francisco, and Tokyo. I admit I got my start from ebay with a Amahide blade traditionally made and signed. Both times i bought, i had wonderful help from a Gendaito expert, so I made good purchases. Lets try to make this happen for newblies.


Finally, a pronunciation guide for all the terms. The first time I tried to use Mekugi, I didn't

know whether to say ma kug e, or ma coog e, is it Ta sooba or sooba? perhaps a QT audio file could be added to the page so the person could actually hear the correct pronunciation.


Just a few rambling post dialysis thoughts, maybe in the morn, I will say "why did :lipssealed: :lipssealed: I say that?"


Brian, A very obvious answer is to suggest what parts of a sword, blade, tsuba etc to illustrate when they make enquiries. Needless to say I would be willing to help.

Ian Bottomley


Pronunciation is actually a tricky problem. The sound file idea would be good, if easy to set up. The main problem for English speakers llies not so much in the Japanese, but in the inability of English to express the simple Japanese sounds, such as long and short sounds. Especially hard when we have two or three different phonetic systems, none of which are really satisfactory for all. Japanese is completely consistent and predictable once you've learnt the chart of sounds. (There must be a clickable webpage somewhere.)


As an aside, would a DON'Ts page with reasons be a useful addition for beginners, I wonder? (Or NEVERs.)



Never try to clean the Nakago (tang). Why? It needs to be richly aged. This patina may be the key to reading its history and thus also judging its value.

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