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EMS restrictions

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Stephen, take that pill and chill :laughing:
You failed to say from what country you are trying to ship from. You don't say Japan...I am assuming that from the Buyee mention, but many don't know that.
Japanese dealers ship swords via EMS, they have some sort of exemption. SA doesn't care what you ship. Maybe other countries differ. ALL couriers say no weapons..most say no knives. But it is up to the person at the counter. They can make it easy or hard. I suggest checking with Aoi or Kelly and seeing how they ship EMS. My understanding is if it is a direct flight it is ok.

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Ahh. Yeah your problem will only be in the Japan end. As long as it's not a CITES controlled wood, the US doesn't really care about edged weapons.  I don't know what carriers they have over there, but I would think most of them would have no issues shipping and edged weapon. 


I will admit that almost my entire experience is shipping FROM the U.S., not to it, except from the United Kingdom.

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Didn't know that Buyee would ship any edged weapons any way at all.
I would think the easiest would be to ship to someone in Japan to forward to you, if you know anyone. But I guess it adds to the fees.
I'm sure it is something that can be worked around. Let's see.

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What’s weird is most of the swords I’ve bought from Japan to France came through EMS! And France isn’t reputed to let weapons, even antiques, go through easily. The trouble for us comes when it reaches customs, not from the shipper.


It is often solved by an easy trick. Changing the description. I know that now, for France, using “antique sporting goods” makes thing easier. Maybe you should ask the seller what description he used and guide him through a less “pointy” description to bypass EMS restrictions.

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Not good news


Upon confirmation of the package contents, in accordance to the Aviation Law and International Postal Regulations, the following item included in the package is prohibited from being shipped internationally using any couriers including Japan Post and UPS.


Package information:




Prohibited Item:

【 dagger 】



Please choose one of the following options on how you would like to proceed with your package:



Ⅰ. Ship your item to a domestic (Japanese) address.

Ⅱ. Discard your item.


*Please note*

* Buyee is unable to cancel the transaction and return the item to the seller.

* If you choose option Ⅱ. and would like to discard your item, please note that we will require a payment for all the fees (such as domestic shipping fee, consumption tax, etc.) that were generated during the shipment to our warehouse.

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Don't think we should delete, as members need to know this is an issue and they may come across it. Unless you have someone in Japan to send to, looks like people may have a big issue.
I guess sword dealers have some exemption in some cases?

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Just my opinion, but based on experience I believe the issue is with Buyee. 


Most of these type places have policies which restrict any items related to swords.  Some of them won't allow you to bid on swords and block bidding on anything related.  Tsuba, books, etc., are automatically blocked due to key words in the description. Some sites allow you to request that the item be unblocked and tsuba, books, etc., will be unblocked.  Not swords.


Swords are shipped out of Japan daily by dealers and individuals which clearly indicates it is not EMS, UPS, etc.  I had a sword shipped from Japan to me here in the US less than a week ago.  It was shipped EMS, no problem.

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If it goes via military base, I’d be honest and describe it for what it is, a WW2 militaria souvenir used by the imperial Japanese army. I don’t think it can be restricted and is accurate enough.

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