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First Ko-Wakizashi


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Dear Ken.


As usual trying to nail down terms is problematic.  We tend to think that a sword stops being a tanto at 30cms and anything over that becomes a wakizashi.  Or ko wakizashi.  Or sunonbi tabto.  As for when in terms of length a sword stops being a ko wakizashi and becomes a wakizashi well....


This from Markus' blog.  


In the eighth year of Kanbun (寛文, 1668), the Tokugawa-bakufu issued the so-called mutô-rei (無刀令) with which it prohibited all persons not belonging to the samurai class to wear swords with a blade length over that of a ko-wakizashi (小脇指). Therefore a ko-wakizashi blade was determined to measure maximally 1 shaku 5 sun (~ 45.5 cm). 


Though the whole thing is well worth a read.  https://markussesko.com/2015/08/11/the-wakizashi/


All the best.

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