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Hi All,


Since there are several beautiful blades for sale and everyone would like to own them (but as noted by many, money available is thin), is there a possibility to arrange some kind of raffle? Of course, the price of the blade would not change. In addition, if there are not enough "raffle tickets" to cover the price, then the item is dropped.


Is this possible?


Thank you,






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I always thought about this. I think it would be logistics. Brian has a real job and real life, to deal with. Luckily for us he is able to manage this forum. If a trustworthy volunteer was to step up to manage said raffle, maybe? Seller's would also have to be comfortable. I know I would participate in many sales if fractional costs were involved. Your are right, many wonderful works pass through this section. Well worth a shot.

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Well 1st off want to say thanks for voicing that idea, I think it's a good one.


My 1st thought is how to do it mechanically?


Idea, adjust prices but each ticket 1/10th cost of item until over 10k:

$5000 US: (1/10th rule) 10 tickets at $505 each ($50 dollar board donation); 1st response via post gets ticket, all timestamped

$10,000 US: (1/10th rule) 10 tickets at $1005 each ($50 dollar board donation); 1st response via post gets ticket, all timestamped

$20,000 US (not usually many): (1/20th rule) 20 tickets at $1005 ($50 dollar board donation); 1st response via post gets ticket, all timestamped


Say an item is $300 US: 10 tickets @ 30.50. etc you get the idea.


The point is, no one wants to be in a huge pool, odds don't favor. The 1/10 and 1/20 rule I swear will get a response.


I LOVE this idea and it would work. Nothing would go unsold. It's just who could manage it?


this is a good idea. i suggest one trust worthy member hold the sword and funds from the ticket. as compensation, i think whoever does it should get 10%  of the sale.  Its a trust thing as the person would have the sword in hand and the money aswell. win -win. plus donation to the board.  i have swords i can volunteer too to start the ball rolling, if admin permits?


Though I think it is a great idea, the entry tickets look too high to me. I don’t know what you people make, but $500 is a quarter of my salary. I don’t see myself risking that much money for nothing. I would mind, say, risking $100, but over than that, I don’t see that many people entering the raffle.


Of course, I’m probably among the poor on that board when I see the sums being moved, so maybe the others wouldn’t mind.


Still, I love the idea.

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I'm fine with raffles, but there are logistics to work out. How many people would lay out $50 or $100 for a chance at a sword? High level collectors would pass at a sword worth $1500. Low end collectors might not have $100 to gamble.

I think it be best to start with things like nice tsuba..maybe in the $500 range. $25 tickets, 1/20 chance.
Or swords around $2000.
Winner pays for his choice of shipping method? Finding proxies to handle it not too difficult, but then there are monetary and conversions costs. Paypal bans raffles too...so that is a consideration.
Do some brainstorming and let's see where we get to.

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Would love to see the raffle idea go ahead but anyone remember the kantei comp? Basically a raffle $30 entry and I think we had 32 odd members buy in for a $7000 sword!

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good intentions ....but big headache   500$? you must think ppl make your kind of money.


top money id do $100 on a long shot.


Why not start a poll see what price range ppl would be comfortable with?

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I understand the money angle, just think if the tickets are small and large in number, the response is not going to be all that large. And as Mike from Australia noted, a free sword got limited interest for $30.


I'm with Brian. Start small and see how it goes. I'm a member of many forums not related to Nihonto and have seen this before. Sometimes it goes well, but what happens when people buy tickets and the price point isn't reached? Going to be a headache returning everyone's money(unless you get everyone to agree on buying a ticket first before that number is reached) And who is going to do the raffle/pick someone. Better hope that person doesn't hate/like one of the ticket holders(just saying)


Also, I don't know about some of the other members but I'm not a hardcore Nihonto collector. It's one of many hobbies I have. Nor am I rich.. Me personally, I'd much rather make a $500-$600 gamble on getting 2 swords on an auction site. They may not be special but at least I have something to show for it.


But, I still like the idea but I think under $100 would be best.


last  time I did this. We waited till woke the n#  were filled. Then collected a little  over  the end of he month after payday.  50$ /50 slots. it went well because we did not offer only 1 price but 3. The other 2, 2hd was 3x more value than 50 and the 3  twice.  Bingo machine did the number picking. I think we can Facebook live this.  True it's is better to start small but if the ball gets rolling this might lead to better papered sword whho knows? I think the key to make large numbers work is offer more prices. People who want multiple slots can do if they want. Post the  final list a week after everything is in. ( Need to study how can it be more visible).  But most important is Trust.We all have to be in this together.


Starting on the smaller end of value and ticket price would be a more sensible approach. Everyone can happily enter and still be donating to the board without checking the spot price for kidneys or gold fillings to buy a ticket.....


Olso the caliber of the blade to raffle would be put into consideration. Hmmm if you guys don't mind I would like to give this a shot, let me hammer out " how" and what first


Hi Brain and All.


I think starting off small is the way to go, as well.

The question as to how to ensure the seller and winning bidder will be guaranteed a sale??

The seller will post the price (a tsuba, for example).

Then, determine who is interested (applying whichever method to be used..whether its 25$ a ticket or some other combination).

If there are enough bidders to cover the price move forward (and if there is any additional money left over, will go as a donation).

List the names of the bidders before the raffle. Why, will help ensure no one backs out. (mud on your face if you do, and pretty bad for your rep on the site).


Just a thought.


Hey all,

Even if I don't talk too much, I think this is a good idea for people with not so much money! And more than that, can permit to people to sell blade at the price they want. But in my opinion, need to make a maximum of 20-25 bidders... So, that's close to an average of 100-200$ biddings.


The other solution that can be done but... More complicated... Imagine a sword at 2000$, 1000$ played in raffle (like ten bidders), the winner paid the 1000$ that rest. More chance to win, and an half price piece for the winner!


It'd have to be a spectacular prize for me to most likely throw money away for a minute chance of winning. There are all sorts of laws and restrictions on 'prizes', at least in Australia. You need to jump through all sorts of hoops. Then you open yourself up to legal challenges, was the draw conducted fairly? How? Witnesses? Truly random... I'd hate to even try. EBay is about as close as I think you can get to a successful raffle.


But don't let me stop you. I'm just sharing the thoughts and apprehensions I would have in this situation.


How about listing numbers 1 to .... Members pick the numbers and is matched with their name?


The person can purchase more than on number (one number is 50$, buy two at 45$....up to three numbers).

If the sellers price point is met but there is a $ surplus left over, the forum keeps 10% of the $ surplus.

For example: a blade selling for 1000$, price point is met, but the bids equal 1200$. 10% of the remaining 200$ goes as a donation.


What to do with the extra 180$? Put it back as a draw for those who have placed a bid. Place the losing bid numbers back for another draw.


Means even though you didn't win the blade you still have a chance to win the surplus minus the 10%.


In other words, I bought two ticket for 45$ lost the bid but still have a chance to win 180$.


Not a bad incentive to get more bidders on board.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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