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Well Luis your expectations are your own, & many others on this board, certainly more experienced than others. What I'm concerned about is legitimatizing this seller as trustworthy to new buyers who simply do not have the experience or ability to apply Occams Razor to what they purchase. New and experienced collectors come here to improve their knowledge, saying Komonjo is a good seller does not help that image and in fact could be the tipping point of a new collector seeing your posts and going ahead with a very bad sale, one that puts him off Japanese swords completely. I think your reasoning of being "smarter than the dealers" is a dangerous and foolish fallacy, akin to trying to break the bank at a Las Vegas casino, the odds are against you. 


Perhaps you have good luck buying cheap 99.999% gold bars for cheap from India, many don't and never will. Your statistical sample of good experiences is small while bad experiences are large. Just because one shot from Ronaldo is a goal does not mean every shot from Ronaldo a goal.

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