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Hello all,


     I am a new collector of tsuba. I recently purchased a tsuba on Ebay.  I have not received it yet.  It states that it is made out of copper.  It has a nice design with a crane and what appears to be waves on the Omote.  However on the Ura it has some symbols.  Took me an entire day of research to find out they were "seal script".  It was great fun.  Included is a picture of the symbols on the tsuba (as well as I could research them).  Although I could find the symbols, I could not find out what they translate to (maybe they translate to "I should have saved my money" !! -just having a little fun !).

     Any assistance would be greatly appreciated !!


Thank you all for your kind assistance,

With respect,




The symbols you have posted are, from left to right




Heart (mind, spirit)


Usually the artist writes his name, or his "art name" in seal script. These three don't sound like an art name. If we get a look at the tsuba, we might get a better idea. 


Thank you so much for your reply Steve,


     I will post pictures of the tsuba when I receive it (probably by Tuesday). You gave me advice on 3 of the 4 symbols. Any idea what that last symbol may be (the smaller looking seal scroll in the pictures).

     When I look at the pictures of the tsuba on Ebay, there is (as you have said) something that looks like it may be a signature of the artist.

     Will post pictures as soon as the tsuba arrives.


Thank you for your quick and kind reply,


With respect,




Looks to me like 仏(佛) = buddha


The picture files are a bit big, so if I click on the thumbnails you posted I just get a spinning wheel as my internet connection gags on the file. Luckily the photos are clear enough so that I didn't need to expand them (well, all except that last one... which might benefit from a closer look), but if you post pictures of your tsuba you might have to resize them so that they are not so big they choke when we try to enlarge them. 


Steve, thank you so much for your reply and assistance on the seal scrolls-


     I would like to think that with all 4 of the characters together it would say something like "With the Buddha, your heart (mind, spirit), and your hand, you will defeat the devil".  Would that be to cool ! Your thoughts, opinions?  What a spiritual saying to put on a tsuba !

     I will send pictures of the tsuba as soon as it is received.


With all due respect,



First we need to identify what the actual symbols are. Even a slight misreading will change the meaning entirely. And, as I said, you'll find that these things are usually names, rather than spiritual invocations.  But I'm not sure how these symbols are arranged, or how they are situated on the tsuba, so its tough to say. If they are arranged on the seppa-dai, it will most likely be a name. If the symbols are arranged as a motif or a design on the actual tsuba itself, it won't be a name. It could indeed be something with a spiritual meaning. But I would be surprised to find a reading that involves spiritual invocation of the buddha to slay the devil, or a devil, as the case may be. Let's see what it looks like when it comes in. 


Thanks once again Steve,


     The symbols are arranged equally spaced around the Ura (back of the tsuba-I hope I got that right !!).  This is very exciting!  I can't wait to post pictures when it is received.

     Hope you will still be interested and give me your much valued opinion when pictures are posted.


With all due respect,




Hello all (especially to Steve who has been so helpful), 


Here is a picture of a picture, until I receive the tsuba.


Hope this helps with the possible translation of the seal script.


Thanks for your assistance,

With respect,



Thank you so much Steve for your kind patience and assistance in this inquiry.


Also thanks for the helpful link to explain the meaning of the kanji.


I think this is a unique tsuba that will be a valued addition to my growing collection.  And yes, I think it is to cool !!

When I receive the tsuba, I will try to post better pictures for your further opinions.


With respect,




Hello all,


     So I received the tsuba today.  Please see attached pictures.  It is massive, weighing in at 220.4 grams !!  First, could someone translate the Mei (if that what it is) that is on the Ura of the tsuba with the other characters (that thanks to the kind assistance of Steve on this forum have already been translated).

     Also, I may have got "bit" on this one (oh well, I am new at this and having a lot of fun doing research !).  I noticed in the Hitsu ana that the tsuba appears to be cast.  Although I am not certain that being cast in copper would indicate that it is a fake.  

     As always, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for your time and consideration,


With respect,








Yes, unfortunately this is a cast piece, and could have been manufactured at any time in the last 100 years. I can't read the mei, but I think its academic. 


Anyway, I learned a new phrase from it, so it did have some value. I think maybe its a copper alloy, otherwise it would be oxidized by now. The metallurgy guys may know more. 


Thank you so much Steve for your help.


     There are a couple of things that puzzle me that perhaps you can help me with. I know I am fairly new to this complicated and fascinating hobby of tsuba collecting.  My first question is (1) is it possible that authentic tsuba made out of copper could have actually been cast in the past ?  Number (2) this tsuba weighs in at a massive 220.4 grams - that seems more than the piece of a weight of copper at a 3 inch diameter and a little less than 1/4 inch thick.  My thought is that there must be some alloy added to increase the weight.  If this was a non-authentic cast piece, why add the extra weight ?

     So being also fairly new to this fantastic forum, how would I contact the "metallurgy guys" ?


Thank you so much for your assistance,


With respect,


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