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Thank you John, I think you are on to something. I did find a good reference picture for kaeriyoru from one of the memebers' sights here Yurie; studyingjapaneseword.com part 24. Next time I get a chance I will check out the top of the boshi and its turn back as well as tome and see if I can figure this out.

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  • 7 months later...

Wow! Seven months.

Yup, better late than never.


Google translate is no help, other than mei, anyone want to give it a go... a full translation will add more money to a donation I was already making next week.


On the front is Okayama Nagamitsu, kanteisho, shoshin,...., nthk seal, I believe. The date and measurements I am at loss...



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Yup, better late than never.


Google translate is no help, other than mei, anyone want to give it a go... a full translation will add more money to a donation I was already making next week.


On the front is Okayama Nakamitsu saku, kantiesho, shoshin,...., nthk seal, I believe. The date and measurements I am at loss...

I to this day still cannot read these sort of things. I know I could spend the time to really learn, but just too many other things on my plate. Someone will help you out.

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I to this day still cannot read these sort of things. I know I could spend the time to really learn, but just too many other things on my plate. Someone will help you out.

Completely understand, both of our fields change quickly and we must stay on top of it.


Yes, I am sure one of our members will nail this one easily.

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Going thru some paper work and trying to figure out what the team wrote after other. Part of the attibution maybe? Any help is appreciated.


I know I am too late. I have not read this thread.


返り尋常 - Its kaeri is usual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup, better late than never.


Google translate is no help, other than mei, anyone want to give it a go... a full translation will add more money to a donation I was already making next week.


On the front is Okayama Nagamitsu, kanteisho, shoshin,...., nthk seal, I believe. The date and measurements I am at loss...



you should try to contact Markus Sesko.

He is translating such kantei-sho´s just for a couple of dollars.

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