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Hi everyone


Im new in Nihonto and while looking for a sword i found an interesting news regarding fake NBTHK paper. I ask around then one of the senior collector give me the information that NBTHK paper have security feature as shown in the picture below.


So i want to know if anyone have information whether or not NBTHK paper hv other security feature. Btw in ebay i ask some who are listed the sword with paper, i ask them to take picture againts the light so i can see the security feature but always no reply








Avoid buying from Ebay if your new to collecting. Look at the dealers above or look in the sales section.


Sometimes swords on Ebay are advertised along with papers from another sword.


If no reply, then you cant do business, so move on.

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Hi Dion,


Although there is an alarmist who has been propagating information about fakes of the current NBTHK kanteisho, this does not appear to be a widespread problem. More like fear-mongering around one small incident.


Best regards,


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