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About 70 years ago, a meeting of very-senior Sensei was convened at the Kodokan to discuss how to judge all budoka on a level playing field. What came out of that meeting was the concept of Seiteigata, or the common set of kata, that can be used for fair grading of a budoka's skill, no matter which ryūha (school) he or she was trained in.


For example, Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei (ZNKR) Iaido (制定) has a total of 12 kata that all iaidoka must perform to be awarded rank. So, rather than ryūha-yaburi, where a ryūha could be literally annihilated, or even dōjō-yaburi, where the other school's training hall was destroyed, martial arts now had a "gentler" way of grading...an excellent idea right after World War II.


Good find, Peter.

  • Like 1

Nothing we havent seen before but this lad does it well. Also good to hear pronunciation different parts of the koshirae. I have to work on my tsuka.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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