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The blade is signed Suishinshi Ama___ (last Kani unclear on my phone but does not look like Hide).

Nothing to do with Shigetsugu. Not sure why the seller associated it with that smith.

Edit: I did not read the auction description earlier. There were many smiths who produced gimei of Masahide. This does not look like a hamon Shigetsugu produced. Seen on a larger screen, it does read Amahide.

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From the listing: "Upon conferring with one the top gendaito experts in the United States, it is our opinion that this sword was made by Shigetsugu--this opinion can either be proven or disproven by submitting this sword to shinsa." 


I didn't think shinsa would attribute a blade that is gimei.  Am I mistaken?

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Hmm the seller is a well known Nihonto dealer. Some show me the blade if i would be interested. I didn't like the sword. The horimono looks impressive at a first look. On a second you find much things that are not so nice.

The mei didn't fit to Shigetsugu. Why the experienced seller doesn't compare his mei with the slough page he shows? 




Compare the two pictures.

The left one is from a Shigetsugu Tanto of SwordGuyJoe (i hope i can show it here) and the second is the ebay offer. Two totally different carvings. Shigetsugu was a master of horimono. In the left there are so much details and effects. The right one looks more abstract.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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