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Another New Tsuba...


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Here's another piece I just received (bought it on a lark).  Hopefully I'll be healed up enough soon to be able to build up a tosogu shooting rig so I can do some better images of all these pieces I have laying around....


And just so you don't have to go facebook, I'll cross post what I wrote there :-)


Here's another new "cheep and cheerful" piece that just showed up. The tsuba measures 71.2mm (H) X 71.1mm (W) X 4.57mm (T, web, nakago ana), 4.32mm (T, web, at mimi), 113.9 grams. The theme is a parasol (kasa, かさ). The tsuba appears to have been made of several horizontal layers, similar to what you see on later yagyu tsuba. I think the mimi was etched while the piece was being made to bring this out.
You can still see some "crud" down in the sukashi, as well as evidence that this piece actually has been mounted a couple of times, so my WAG is that this piece is mid (maybe) to late edo period work, and I guess you would put it in the tosho "bin" though if you want to know who made it maybe a better guess would be that it is myochin work (they did a lot of "mokume" pieces later on, and...).
The surface is a little concerning. The piece appears to be waxed, which is regularly used by the Tsuba Industrial complex to hide a multitude of sins - I just spent the last several days cleaning up another piece (story omitted), so maybe I'll just enjoy this one as-is for a while.






(Richard George)

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.....Hopefully I'll be healed up enough soon to be able to build up a tosogu shooting rig so I can do some better images of all these pieces I have laying around....



It is difficult for me to imagine how you will manage to make still better photos! They are all as good as one could wish!


And thank you for posting the FACEBOOK text here - I am not linked there (and I won't, ever) and I appreciate this possibility. 

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