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This is a sword that a friend of mine has come into possession of..  You thoughts are welcome as she would like to learn more about it.. I did not take these pictures so its all we have to work with.


Im pretty sure its Hoshu takata ju fujiwara muneyuki.  MUN781    1648 or so..  the date pic is really blurry so im trying to get another one..  i could not see any hada..the habaki is a lost cause  . It looks to have been polished quite a few times... the hamon is still wide enough... it May have one last polish left in it.. She was considering restoration and remounting as it was a gift and wishes to honor it as much as possible.. she is aware of the costs. If anyone has any further info about this smith it would be greatly appreciated


Thanks in advance

Kurt K










how is the condition and shape of the KISSAKI? The photos give the impression that it may be damaged, but that may be caused by the angle.

The SUGATA is probably KANBUN JIDAI, the condition of the NAKAGO looks quite new, perhaps SHIN-SHINTO. HAMON is vivid, so might come out nicely with a good polish (preferably not KESHO).




First step is to research/validate the mei and at the same time ensure there are no serious flaws.  Then, once you know more precisely what this sword is the next steps can be considered. Based on these images, currently, I'm not seeing anything obvious that says stop. Take your time, don't rush, mistakes are costly.


I am working on getting better/more complete picks.. the boshi/kissaki looked ok.. no issues. the overall shape does get slender towards the end. quite a bit of taper.. not sure if its a product of many polishes or if it was the original shape.  


kurt k

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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