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John Yumoto Plate 19 Kantei Mystery/unknown Kaji

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I did not really understand this thread. The mystery is in the thread, not in that book which is not the best. Yumoto wrote so much nonsense about wartime blades he makes damages in the collector scene for the following decades.


Dave, yes I owned it.


To all my fellow mates, Happy Thanksgiving. I am getting the charm of knowing each one of you.


The highest result of education is tolerance, Helen Keller.


Tom D.

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I must say it is really exciting in my opinion. I did not understand the original purpose of the thread as the picture in Yumoto's book just seemed black but now that you revealed the answer it got me extremely curious. What did the NBTHK answer to you? Did you try to put this tachi on shinsa by some organization?


1 tachi & 1 naginata by Yoshioka Sukemitsu are National treasures of Japan (for those intrested about the smith).

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Hi Jussi,


I was a certified newbie when I bought it, fish in water. Wish I knew there was an NBTHK. Does anyone have a Christie's or Sotheby's Catalog when R. B. Caldwell auctioned his Masamune Date bow and quiver, taken from the National Museum, Dai ichi? next to Gen. Mac Arthur headquarters? Al Jolson "you ain't heard nothing yet"


Tom D.


Hi Chris,


It's long gone. I have a gendaito photo of another blade "Akihide" and believe it was a presentation, to who or what I don't know. I would like to find out and will post it soon. Thank you for your interest.



Tom D.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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