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John Yumoto Plate 19 Kantei Mystery/unknown Kaji

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Have you ever wondered the maker of Plate 19 with four rivet holes in "The Samurai Book"

Kindly guess the period and Kaji of this Tachi. Also,which is considered as a more

desirable inference of a Kaji, Bishu or Bizen signed. Muse over this and have fun.

The winner gets a Gold Star of Noble Achievement. My contribution to the forum will be posted next week.


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Hi Tom,


Firstly, I rarely have a clue as to attribution even with the sword in my hand, in perfect light and with a flashing neon sign pointing me in the right direction. I can't do anything with a bad photo of a tang, even with four mekugi ana.


Secondly, my understanding is that the Bishu/ Bizen thing doesn't matter before Onin (1467??) and my best guess would be that the sword in the picture predates that time. After that, when the warring states period got into full swing one or the other can indicate a custom made sword as opposed to one that is mass produced, but I can never remember which way around it goes. Usually a longer signature with a family name as well as an art name indicates chumon uchi.




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Not sure it still holds true but the old intellingence always said that on  shorter Bizen mei the use of Bishu was more indicative of a bundle sword and Bizen a better crafted work. As John saya the presence of a longer mei was also a sign of higher quality. As always there were exceptions and it may be that later research has disproved the theory. Certainly it doesnt seem as prevelent as it was.


It is a mystery because it's unknown to the world, it's signed tachi mei. A significant kaji the World over. More than two characters.


Tom D.

I think i will die never know what this thread will teach me.  :dunno:

The picture you upload shows me a black suriage nakago. It tells me nothing.

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I am going to be nice, Whether you like it or not. You might actually learn something that pictures in

in famous sword books, don't tell you everything. I'll give you a hint, "Bishu" Have a nice day.


Tom D.


Chris his book evidently  has notes to what the blade is, previous owner of said blade? really nothing to get knickers in a twist.


Tom this a bit of a stretch but its your fun so we wait.


I can't see more in the book. In my print is the same black nakago with 4 i think 5 mekugi ana. Or we talking about the right nakago with the signature? On the other way, maybe i missunderstand the thread?




This is another Karl Peter Smith type magical mystery tour. Remember the guy who insisted that there was some hidden meaning in Hizento signatures? The modus operandi is very similar.


I suspect that the issue with the tang on the sword in picture is the straw man...wait for the trolling to follow.




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Could be John or its just some notes that Tom has put some great stock in. Unless its Mr. Yomotos own book i doubt there will be much to it. I just dont understand the wait.

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I'm with Stephen. It's obvious Tom has a copy with additional info in it, and I think it is interesting to find out what that info is.
Not going to solve the Bermuda Triangle mystery, but worth a bit of fun. I await the news of what you dug up there Tom.

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Hi John,


You are correct.I have trolled for piranhas in the Amazon, using domestic foul,you know like chickens and ducks.


For your pleasure, I will Post tomorrow, with an order of protection.


Feloniously yours,




A promise is a promise. This tachi was acquired in 1970 direct from a Colonel with General MacArthur, mentioned that John Yumoto was interested, it was outstanding. I've been to many Shinsas and like Farmers Insurance "Seen it all"

I am not against any Shinsa Team as long as they remain untouchable. I have mailed pictures of signed blades to the NBTHK and Christie's,cost under a dollar, and received their acknowledgement.Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles, with sniffles predominanting in swords you missed and ones that you sold. Just a little jocular humor.


Tom D.


Sorry I know I am not the brightest  here but confess I have no clue as to what is going on or what point is being made. Perhaps at some time in the future someone can enlighten me.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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