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A most interesting signature indeed.  It would take me months of trying to "get it".  I can read some of it, but there are strange characters interspersed...


Rotsa ruck...




At least the date is straight forward, Bunkyu 1863. John



What about the last four kanji on the nengo.......“Usukura Narukiyo”??




John got most of it: 

Diligently made by Sawahara Shigetane (2nd), forged with sharpness and beauty (nb: sharpness of blade, beauty of hamon)


I'll take a look at the line next to it.


Usukura Narukiyo would almost certainly be the person who ordered the sword.

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I found this same blade on an auction site (sold around April of this year). From the auction site description




"Inazuma (lightning) appears throughout the blade. The swordsmith inscribes his real name Noboru (旦) into the sword, and forbids the owner to transfer the sword to another"


nb: Sawahara Shigetane's real name was Sawahara Noboru (various other readings possible). I do not know if that auction site translation is accurate. 


Yep toko taikan corroborates this.


It says the Smith name was Sawahara Noboru, han-shi of Shirakawa domain, student of Naotane


Worked from Bunka to Ansei. Worked in Soshu-den but also has suguha works.

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