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Hello everyone,


I am trying to perform some research on Nagamitsu katanas and am asking for assistance in this endeavour. If anyone that owns a Showa Nagamitsu katana, would be so kind as to share pictures of the hamon, and nakago, focusing on signature and any stamps/katakana, I would truly appreciate it.


Thank you,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Eric,

                Have attached some photo's of my Nagamitsu...My poor photographic skills don't do the sword justice and my old camera doesn't help . The I-pad takes better ones but I don't know how to reduce them yet.....! If you want more just let me know...












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The picture is made with flash. I'm sure when the pictures are made in Sunlight you will see much clearer. It's a nice sword. With a eye catching koshirae. You can be proud to have this sword.

My thoughts.

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Yes Hamfish it is not very good polished. To round, no clear lines. But is in very good condition to preserve it and you can see the beauty. 

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Eric..pleasure...no problem..There are no numbers,stamps or katakana present..The nakago is nicely finished,quite tactile actually..As with many swords until you actually pick them up you cannot appreciate the skill involved in he manufacture..

Bruce..No,sword was bought as a "train wreck" and I should have taken before and after photo's...Koshirae lovely but blade was badly chipped and stained , I honestly didn't think it could have been saved but credit where it's due a skilled man resurrected it..! A few hours of uchiko and the ko-itame hada that my poor photography doesn't show will show through..!

Chris...I do like it and yes,like you, I think I have restored the sword to the level it was before it left the armoury on it's journey to be used by a proud officer in the Imperial army....Actually bought it as a comparison blade to the Emura I bought from a member of the board ( waiting for some time off to put them side by side...! )

Hamfish...Ah,ah,poor Beyoncé...I take it you mean shinogi ( I think you left your white stick in the other room) ..? No offence meant,taken or inferred..!

Good to raise a few pulses,back to the gin and tonic.




Hi Eric, attached photos of a couple of my NAGAMITSU swords. One in 98 mounts, the other in type 3. The 98 is the two character, and the Type 3 is the two character and SAKU. 

An attempt at photographing the hamon on the unpolished blades also attached.  







Hello Neil,

Thank you for the pics. By any chance is the picture named zzz24 the Nagamitsu Saku? Can you also provide pictures of the boshi please? Are there any katakana, numbers or arsenal stamps? Nice collection by the way, would like to see what they look like fully polished.


Hi Chris,

Thank you for the pictures. Interesting boshi, and the bottom picture shows a line of masame hada and koitame, normally hard to see hada on Nagamitsu, good shots. Are there any katakana, numbers or arsenal stamps?


Hi Eric, you are correct, zzz24 is NAGAMITSU SAKU in type 3 mounts. There are no other numbers, no dates, no stamps. Picture of BOSHI attached. Remember, it is unpolished.  


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  • 2 years later...

Nice sword the hamon looks similar to mine 

mine is original polish what I like about it there is nothing wrong with the blade and mounts are in excellent condition not a dent in the scabbard the hamon isn’t as nice 








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That's a nice Nagamitsu. 100% legit gendaito. Extra nice koshirae with the family mon in the tsuka.



Thanks rich mounts and hardware is nice blade no issues or nicks probably paid to much

Im a little embarrassed not a lot of swords experience what dose family mon mean 


Steve - sorry for not including my web URL, just fixed that.


Mon (kamon) are the family crests of various samurai family and clans. But by WW2 they were largely meaningless as most every soldier claimed samurai lineage. Google Japanese Family Crests (or Mons) you seem to be a good researcher. Hundreds of them, many very similar - about as confusing as which mei is Nagamitsu .:crazy:


Welcome to your baptism by mei ;-) You see the problem when you have multiple smiths signing in a similar way. Can't wait until you encounter Sukesada. A sword group from about Muramachi era with hundreds of smiths signing similar mei - extending for about 500 years with possibly thousands of smiths legitimately signing Sukesada (with various long and short mei and dates).  To boot the school was one of the most that other smiths faked their mei (gimei) even hundreds of years ago. Figuring out which specific Sukesada forged a blade is pretty much beyond us mere morals. I suggest putting a soft, thick pad on your wall. I have a permanent callus on my forehead and likely massive brain damage from trying to figure out specific smiths. :bang:   Enjoy the trip, Nihonto are a fascinating subject, if somewhat maddening at times.


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  • Thanks 1

Thanks for the tips I did research the mon guess I wanted to get another opinion 

I agree so many smiths Sukesada signature but I enjoy the history it’s still a nice 500 year sword And in polish with pristine Navy mounts who could ask for more 

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Forgot to add your right about the pad that’s funny love your little guys!! I have picked apart every thing I can find about these mei and swords in general I think we all spend too much time dicecting these swords and we miss the enjoyment Plus everyone is an expert and there sword is the best one lol

Like you said too much time spent picking the apart it and not enjoying it!!
if you like it be happy they all are one of a kind right????


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You have a Sukesada in Naval mounts?  Please post some pics.Would love to see it.  A Muromachi Sukesada wak was my first sword for a total price of $129.  Now those were the good old days ;-)  (ca 1975-ish)



Rich That was cheap I’m wondering how many of us guys are getting older and can’t take their swords with them unless you bury them in thier grave I told my kids list them on EBay I hope they honor my wishes too much damm money to lose! 

I will send pics it’s not signed by the master one of many many signatures but I consider it judged by its own merit !! What sold me was pristine custom navy mounts and polish I will send pictures 



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4 hours ago, Swords said:

I’m wondering how many of us guys are getting older and can’t take their swords with them unless you bury them in their grave


I'm thinking of having my favorite sword encased in clear solid lucite plastic and doing just that - taking it with me  :laughing:


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