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Netsuke Tinder Lighters

Anthony de Vos

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G'day Anthony,


I'm wondering if you received the PM I sent you earlier today and also a couple weeks ago??


Best regards,

Barry Thomas

aka BaZZa.


Hi Anthony,

Until now, I never knew of "Tinder Lighters"..


I was wondering, is this a "Tinder Lighter"?

I kinda thought this was just a "Netuske". maybe a "funtional" Netsuke..?

I bought this last year..

it does have a hole from the fire pan, to the bore.

Hammer is "spring loaded"..





I wasn't  think of selling it, but, I would like to know if you know if this is one..


Anthony..  :)




Hi Alton!


It is very difficult to see since the Pictures is so small. I do not think this is a lighter. Where should the fire be?


If it has a hole to the pan from the barrel (blow air into the barrel), then maybe it is some kind of powder tester, even though it doesn't look like the regular Japanese powder testers?


I am not sure it is Japanese. The Japanese teppo netsuke usually have matchlock mechanics.


Sorry that I can not give any proper information.






Thank You Anthony..  :)

I understand what you mean, about the  real Japanese Teppo Netsuki.

Real ones are , about 1800 - 2000 dollars.

I got the whole gun powder flask and Netsuki for way less.


I was trying to take close up photos, but, noting comes out.

Too dark or out of focus..


Let me go to the "Shop".. Better lighting there.

I will try and take close-up photos of the Flash Pan, Hammer,/Striker, and cover, and other Mechanisms.


"I'll be Back" -  Alton <  The Photo Terminator


Up-date :


I posted this , as "Art", as, I thought this is not the section for me to take away from the section's Subject..


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