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I wouldn't immidiately think it is a fake.


I think it reads 豊後州秀行 / 文?五?? Bungo shū Hideyuki / Bun ? 5 ??


I believe this Bungo shū is the most uncommon start of Bungo signature, but I looked at Bungo Taikan and found one tachi, where 豊後州 is signed above the ana like in your sword and signature continues after the hole.


The Hideyuki listed in Bungo Taikan seems to be Kanbun period smith, same that Markus has listed in his smith index.


Would make more sense. Nagahide is listed in Sesko index for Bun'an and his entry to Bungo Taikan I believe says that there is and example that is signed 豊後州永秀作 / 文安三年二月吉日. I think he is very unknown smith.

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