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Is there anyone know what’s the real quality about their high end line of armor? Does it pose quality as war time level like sengoku jidai armor in terms if materials and durability. Or does it merely have decorations without real durability as armor? TheIr promotional video shows iron plate that doesn’t look like strong as real armor at all. (Not sure whether the plate I have seen is for their lower level armors or highest level ones) Their Otomo Sorin’s O yoroi looks amazing but it goes about $35000 and that is a lot of money for reproducion. My question is if they are really worth the money in terms of the quality besides on merits of collecting real antique armors. Or it’s much better off collecting real period armor with the money?


Also, people at Marutake can be consider as real serious mordern Katchu-shi or they are merely people at commercial in your opinion? It would be appreciate any input regarding their armor. Thanks all.


Jason C


I've seen their name quite often in jidai-geki (period drama) credits on tv here in Japan (yes, I'm one of those strange people who actually watch the credits; the wigs are always made by Yamazaki Katsura, btw.  :glee:). I've also seen their armor up close. The plates are made of sheet metal, probably stamped out with some minor hand work. They also use spray paint, not urushi. There is of course no way around doing the lacing traditionally, and that's probably why they are as expensive as they are. The armor looks nice - especially on tv and the movies - but it doesn't come close to period armor. For 35,000 US$ you should be able to get a high class, antique suit of armor. 


Just my 2 Cents.


Jason,  They are modern copies and that is what they will always be. You would be better buying a real armour which for $35,000 couldbe really good.

Ian Bottomley


Thank you very much the explanation Guido and Ian. Oh wow the spray paint sounds too bad at that price point. I thought at least their highest level would do with urushi.

Now I understand it’s “reenactment armor” that’s far away from real tradition. That’s the answer I wanted to know. :) It’s my dream to own nice white horse in my later life and marutake’s armor might be a good fit to have at the time.


I've just spent a day with the owner of one the factories that makes these.


They want me to rework one of thier top armours in urushi as no one in Japan will do this for them. They also want the urushi to look aged with a patina. As to odoshige, all the factories use rayon or cotten, not silk. So again they want me to make the odoshi in silk.


Lets see what happens.


They want me to rework one of thier top armours in urushi as no one in Japan will do this for them. They also want the urushi to look aged with a patina. As to odoshige, all the factories use rayon or cotten, not silk. So again they want me to make the odoshi in silk.


Sounds like an interesting project for you, Dave, but - and please don’t get me wrong – isn’t that like putting custom paint, hand-sewn leather seats, and low-profile tires on a Dacia?

Again, I don’t mean any offense, but I wonder why they would want to do that. Close-ups in a movie?

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Sounds like an interesting project for you, Dave, but - and please don’t get me wrong – isn’t that like putting custom paint, hand-sewn leather seats, and low-profile tires on a Dacia?

Again, I don’t mean any offense, but I wonder why they would want to do that. Close-ups in a movie?

LOL, yes in a way, but its paying lots of money and I like that a lot.

So think of this more as what Cosworth did with the rotten old Ford Sierra. Pimped TF!


What people want to spend their money on is not for me to judge, however, there is one main factor between old armour and new, most people cant wear old armour as its too small. So for movie work, TV or whatever battle is going down in the woods against demon wizards that's on the cards a gendai suit fits the bill.

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Thank you very much for all of you guys and I got really amazing replies from all of you. I guess someone wants to have wearable armor and very good looking one that’s probably why. I know with 35K, I can get very very nice original jidai armor but that doesn’t satisfy the wearability if one weigh more on to that. I’d like to have an original armor as collector but at the same time I’d like to have mordern armor for wearability. Would Showa armor can be worn?
Btw, Dave. Are you David Thatcher?


  • 1 month later...

Jason.   :)

Hello Forum...  :)


I was watching You Tube /  NKH's Journeys in Japan.. Episode 16 

I remember seeitng the name Marutake in this Katchu setion...


I recorded  that part about Marutake Armor, for our convience.

Hope they don't mind..

Hey Dave, is this where you was?  :)




Wonderful place to see/visit.     :)






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Not been there. 
I think that this type of reproduction armour has no soul compared to old katchu. The templates they use are different.


But, thank you for sharing the video.

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Hi Dave,

I understand the statement..  :)

For me, as being mostly an enthusiast..

I'm sure you know this.

That saying a samurai said, everything is connected.


You and them, keep up the art. and sprit of the Samurai armor.

You do it in a more realistic, closest to original way, and  pass that on to us..  :)


They,  do what they have to do, because of being in the Replica / Representation / Business $$ oversighted" , manor.  :)

different venues, both a plus and needed.


For what they are, they help with a visual presence, and, help carry on the Samurai  stories/ Sprit..

I got 3 lower budget ( lower than theirs ) Suits for that Visual presence.

and, when I do see my "Real" ( Cross my Fingers)  Kabutos and Do's,  I can appreciate the age, the stories it could tell.

Their soul.

Hope it's not......   "I'm a fake, Ha Ha !!"   :rotfl:


So, The real Katchu do have a "soul".. Because you guys teach us that.   :)

Othwerwise, like, to most people," It's just some old piece of junk"..


And Dave, your house is full of soul... :)

We seen it  :)

Thanks Dave  :thumbsup:

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