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My First Gunto Blade Signed

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Hello everyone, this is my first gunto blade signed in shirasaya, it is an O-wakizashi 58'5 cm nagasa and is in a very good state could be said to shine as fake souvenir and has no bumps or rust , and the hamon is clear from the machi to the kissaki, it is very collectable, a greeting to all. Daniel








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hello, thanks for the comments I'm glad you like it and I did not know that wakizashi showato are not common, that makes me happier because what is not common is often said "special", a greeting to all. Daniel from Barcelona.

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I had a wakizashi with a Seki stamp a few years ago Chris. Very unusual. One of the board members owns it now. I'll see if I can find photos.

Apologies for the tardiness of the reply. Here is the stamped wakizashi I used to own. As mentioned, it now belongs to another board member. Interestingly the very bottom part of the saya is a wooden insert, to increase overall length.



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I'm not entirely sure Chris, but that could be an explanation. The fittings, other than the leather cover and saya shoe are all civilian, so it could be a sword that entered service. However, I thought it was fairly well agreed upon that the stamp indicated non-traditional methods of construction? I'm really not certain.

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What i know is that some nihonto swords before the showa period are oil hardened and e.g. non traditionell. Some say that is nonsense others say it is true. I have a shin-shinto maybe shinto sword that looks like hardened in oil. Maybe and this is speculative with this "bring your sword to war" theme, they passed inspection and get the stamp?

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