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Just a reminder. The Chicago show is a little more than a month away.  For information check the show web site http://www.chicagoswordshow.com/


The hyatt is getting filled up, there are a few King rooms left (roll-away beds are available) here is a link for reservations https://book.passkey.com/event/49289412/owner/4631/home


This year the NTHK-NPO is having a Shinsa at the hotel during the show, here is a link http://ejapaneseswords.com/Shinsa_Info.html


If anyone has questions about the show let me know at nixe@bright.net. There will be a presentation/display by the NBTHK-AB and also a presentation on Yari



  • 2 weeks later...

the Yari lecture  is : "A Sharp Key to Hell: A brief history of the yari and collecting them"


The show rate at the Hyatt was due to expire 3/30, The hotel has extended it a few days, there are about 4 rooms left, if you are thinking of coming make a reservation right away. They also added a couple of Dble rooms


I had one table cancellation so if you want a table let me know.



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  • 3 weeks later...



Once the times are finalized for the lectures/presentations, would it be possible to get that information posted here before the show? Just don't want to miss anything.


Thank You,

Mark S.



 If I could add to Mark's heads up on the yari lecture/presentation, I believe that will be given by Robert Block. Those who heard his presentation in Florida on the important role played by Owari and the inception of that tradition will know that what is coming in Chicago will be highly educational and interesting.

 Arnold F.


Mark S


All presentations are Saturday.


10:30 Care and etiquette by Grey Doffin (JSS/US)

1;30 NBTHK-AB by Mike Yamasaki  Lecture will be on judgment by team, with some new twists and info.

3:30 yari lecture: "A Sharp Key to Hell: A brief history of the yari and collecting them" Bobby Block with Pat Giacobbe and assistance from Marcus Sesko.


Times may vary slightly

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Hi guys,

I will be taking possession of a large library at the show and I plan to have many books at great prices on my table.  Stop by, say hello, and have a look.


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Mark did a great job as always a lot busier this year and some great finds Great too see old friends again .....swords a little slow ...but fittings WOW sold sold sold Thanks Mark!!!!


Fred Geyer

  • Like 1

Indeed, the Show was a barn burner. I bought and sold some stuff - learning lots in both cases. I rolled the dice on a sword that got squeezed into the shinsa - getting results that were in line with my expectation - - if not quite up to what I hoped.

The NBTHK-AB  assessment exercise was great fun. And the whole event was extremely well run. Mike Yamasaki was a real star!

I think Fred is correct that fittings were doing better than blades. Maybe with the Shinsa going on people were flashing fewer blades.There was a bunch of nice kodogu just sitting there on the tables.

My experience with the Shinsa was limited to only a couple of mumei blades.  but I watched the panel and - of course - saw and discussed a BUNCH of assessment sheets. Those guys worked very hard and I think they were doing a good job. Overall, I think the judgements were positive - LOTS of 74-76's. They were busy.

I think that American collectors may need some advice on how to use Shinsa evaluations. I was impressed that lots of guys were putting thru stuff that didn't need or deserve "papers". In today's market, it is NOT wise - to spend 100 bucks for an opinion on a blade that looks suspicious and is in any case  - mebbe - worth $300.


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