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Help With A Tang Translation?


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My first post here, though I've been around for ages... :)

   I recently bought what I thought was a 'china made' curio piece katana, maby from the 1970's.  When I recieved it, I was extremely suprised that the blade was much higher quality than expected, & it was signed as well. I've sepnt the past couple days trying to translate the sig, & have found some of the characters on other blades, but can't find a clean comparison going through my Japanese dictionaries & kanji charts... I hope someone here recognizes the markings & can help.



Al W.




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Oh for the love a... :doh: 


山田寿之  Yamada Toshiyuki


I've found a couple other pieces with this signature, & I do believe it's is a 'modern' (1960's to ???) smithy, likely located in Long Quan, China. Aside from the signature, the copper-work is fairly distinctive...

The name itself doesn't seem to be anything other than an artistic sudonym, more a company name than a personal one.  So all in all, exactly what I paid for... :) Heh.



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