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Mt. Fuji Chawan Collection

ken kata

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Hello guys..


I also collect Japanese Chawans ( Tea Bowls)...

I'm so busy everyday, I have so much things to do, I am behind  in re arraigning my Collection rooms.


Here is some photos of my Mount Fuji, or Fujiyama Collection ( The name " Mt. Fujiyama "  is redundant, so, don't call it that   :)  )

Also, some of my Raku ware on the top shelf.


I'm not sure how many guys are into Japanee Chawans.

In collecting Chawans, there is many "Categories" to choose from. 

So many, hard to cover them all.


I collect Raku/Shino/Kyomizui " - aka the  Wabi Sabi type Chawans. :thumbsup:

Also, Kyo-yaki, for their beautiful Brush art works.

I have many "Crab in a Crevasse" pieces.


Please do not think I am here to "show off".

I just want to "share' my collection with other Japanese Art and Culture People.

I surround myself, or, as Mike Wolfe said, "He lives in his Collection".

I love Japan. For me, it is too late.

I should have started sooner.


Thanks for viewing..



"To know Japan, you must study their Arts ( and Weapons).

To study their Arts , is to learn about their culture.

To learn about their culture, is to learn their history and warfare

Only then, you will think Japanese " - Alton Takata :)


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Good Morning Gentlemen,

Thank You for your compliments/postings.


Fuuten (Axel), I have been buying so many,  and, lost track of what is what. :bang:


" Ignorance is not a bad word, but, it does cause a lot of problems" - Alton Takata :laughing:

( Another of my famous sayings..  LOL  :laughing:  )

I got many Chawans, still in the boxes..

Even I get "surprised',  when I open those boxes.

as, I forgot I bought some of them. :laughing:  for real..


RokoJuro ( Jean) , for Chanoyu , It would be :laughing: . like most Toriawase do? :)

I only collect Chawans, I buy/use Yamamotoyama ( When on sale) and/or cheap Sencha Tea Bags.

I do drink a lot of Green Tea.

Henry - Thanks, as,  I never heard the name Fuji-san before . :)  

Right on Robin!! :thumbsup:

Ed, yes, I do have some  Yakimono. Kashiki plates/bowls , Sake Bottles, Vases.


I do like and collect Japanese "Landscapes of the Mind" ,type  Ink Painting Style.

I love the "Misty Beauty" of "Impulsive Brush strokes and abstract lines".

Japanese ink Painters, like most Japanese, strayed away from "realism".

With a history of warfare and struggle, the common people looked for ways, to cope with in their everyday lives" :(  

and tend to show "Hearts turned toward Nature".

Those thoughts were apart of  Shuichi Kato's teachings. ( 1919 - 2008)

His lectures were so informative, I could never have learned many things, if not for him.


Thanks guys




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Fuuten (Axel), I have been buying so many,  and, lost track of what is what. :bang:

I'd be up for a few "kantei" for unknown chawan haha :thumbsup:


I started collecting chawan, expanded to nearly any type of ceramic. Chawan, yunomi, guinomi, caddies mizusashi and everything else.

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