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Well, I am suspicious about this blade but them them guranteeing it will pass Hozon should take away any concerns as you should be able to return it ... however I am not convinced it will get Hozon.

I point it out mainly for the beauty of the jihada, no horse in the race. My bigger concern is I do think this was up on auction a short while ago, so did it not pass shinsa? Was there an issue? I don't know. I did not save the original auction so not sure on timing.


The Aoi Art owner is excellent at his drawings. A true artist. Sometimes his drawings can get even too artistic - while we must keep in mind that such a kind of drawing is always a piece of art thus personal interpretation like an expressionistic painting ...well, maybe not such loose thing though :)


However there must be a reason why the master decided to stop his work all at a sudden. Cutting off one of his ears might be an explanation but a rather unlikely one ... so I go with what I believe to see ... offering a far easier and ugly explanation: a dipping of Hamon. I can not say for sure but think it is dipping of the edge in several places. If the Hamachi was more gone I would be more certain ... but in this case my eyes, the drawing, a missing paper and the very low price make me think there is a bummer.


I don't see an issue with the hamon.  Although I agree that it is beautiful, the way the hada is standing out makes me worry about some sort of chemical enhancement.  

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Hello everyone, I was the one who bought this Wakizashi. I also saw that it was up for auction previously about a month ago. I thought twice before bidding, but it looked like the person never finished payment or bought another item. I am having it submitted for Shinsa (NBTHK); for extra peace of mind. If anyone is curious as to the results of Shinsa, let me know and I will post it here when I know. I have never heard of an acid bath being used before and then selling it like that.... hoping just a good polish and interesting Hamon and Jihada work. If it was chemically treated, what are the long term effects and will it fail Shinsa?


I don't think any etchant is a big worry here. and won't affect shinsa. Blade looks in decent condition. The concern here is whether the hamon drops off anywhere, and since you have a shinsa guarantee, nothing much to fear as they have the sword to look at and we are only going by pics. I think it will be fine. Nice blade to enjoy.

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Hi Brian, thanks for the site your team runs here. The guarantee is always good to have and I think will hold true.  Since this was my first purchase of nihonto, I was looking for a blade to thoroughly enjoy and this one was too beautiful to pass up. 


Congrats on the purchase Ooitame (the hada fits your name a bit....did you consider Oomokume?!).  If it papers, no worries about either nioiguchi or hada.  If it doesn't paper, also no worries, since they will refund you.  I'm sure it will be a very enjoyable blade.  They mention that the hada is reminiscent of Norishige.   We had a recent discussion about Norishige and his hada.  Brian is probably right that there were no chemical enhancements, just "standing out" hada.  Enjoy.  Bob

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I understand the attraction of wild hada to newbies, they want to be wowed! 


A controlled pear skin (yes im to lazy to look up the name) is much more active to me, anyone else?

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Indeed Stephen, nashiji hada is a subtle, hard to photo hada.


For the buyer, I really liked this work, that's why I posted the auction. Hope all works out, it's worthy of study for sure.



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NihontoCollector, Emma I will post the results when I hear back.


Thanks Emma, I understand... I was a little skeptical at first, but all the things going for this blade made it worth the unknown at the time.


Thanks Bob, I have not considered that name. I was considering ChuOoitame, but am not sure if thats correct. It is quite an honor to have the blade referenced to Norishige. Do you have a link to that discussion?


Stephen, I enjoy a good balde with nashiji hada. But, this blade does have a unique character.


Thanks Vermithrax16, I agree definitely an interesting blade.

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